
  • See samples/testDrv3d/render_pass_tests.h for example usage

Callable d3d:: methods

RenderPass *create_render_pass(const RenderPassDesc &rp_desc)

Creates render pass object.

Render pass objects are intended to be created once (and ahead of time), used many times


No external sync required


Do not run per frame/realtime!


Avoid using at time sensitive places!


rp_desc – Description of render pass to be created


Pointer to opaque RenderPass object, may be nullptr if description is invalid

void delete_render_pass(RenderPass *rp)

Deletes render pass object.


Sync with usage is required (must not delete object that is in use in current CPU frame)


All usage to object becomes invalid right after method call


rp – Object to be deleted

void begin_render_pass(RenderPass *rp, const RenderPassArea area, const RenderPassTarget *targets)

Begins render pass rendering.

After this command, viewport is reset to area supplied and subpass 0, described in render pass object, is started


Must be external synced (GPU lock required)


When inside pass, all other GPU execution methods aside of Draw* are prohibited!


Avoid writes/reads outside area, it is UB in general


Will assert-fail if other render pass is already in process

  • rp – Render pass resource to begin with

  • area – Rendering area restriction

  • targets – Array of targets that will be used in rendering

void next_subpass()

Advances to next subpass.

Increases subpass number and executes necessary synchronization as well as binding, described for this subpass

Viewport is reset to render area on every call


Must be external synced (GPU lock required)


Will assert-fail if there is no subpass to advance to


Will assert-fail if called outside of render pass

void end_render_pass()

Ends render pass.

Processes store&sync operations described in render pass

After this call, any non Draw operations are allowed and render targets are reset to backbuffer


Must be external synced (GPU lock required)


Will assert-fail if subpass is not final


Will assert-fail if called outside of render pass

Related structures

struct RenderPassBind

Description of render target bind inside render pass.

Fully defines operation that will happen with target at defined subpass slot

Public Members

int32_t target

Index of render target in render targets array that will be used for this bind.

int32_t subpass

Index of subpass where bind happens.

int32_t slot

Index of slot where target will be used.

RenderPassTargetAction action

defines what will happen with target used in binding

ResourceBarrier dependencyBarrier

optional user barrier for generic(emulated) implementation

struct RenderPassTargetDesc

Early description of render target.

Gives necessary info at render pass creation so render pass is compatible with targets of same type later on

Public Members

BaseTexture *templateResource

Resource from which information is extracted, can be nullptr.

unsigned texcf

Raw texture create flags, used if template resource is not provided.

bool aliased

Must be set if template resource is empty and target will use aliased memory.

struct RenderPassTarget

Description of target that is used inside render pass.

Public Members

RenderTarget resource

Actual render target subresource reference.

ResourceClearValue clearValue

Clear value that is used on clear action.

struct RenderPassDesc

Render pass resource description, used to create RenderPass object.

Public Members

const char *debugName

Name that is visible only in developer builds and inside graphics tools, if possible.

uint32_t targetCount

Total amount of targets inside render pass.

uint32_t bindCount

Total amount of bindings for render pass.

const RenderPassTargetDesc *targetsDesc

Array of targetCount elements, supplying early description of render target.

const RenderPassBind *binds

Array of bindCount elements, describing all subpasses.

uint32_t subpassBindingOffset

Texture binding offset for shader subpass reads used on APIs without native render passes.

Generic(emulated) implementation will use registers starting from this offset, to bind input attachments. This must be properly handled inside shader code for generic implementation to work properly!

struct RenderPassArea

Area of render target where rendering will happen inside render pass.

Public Members

uint32_t left
uint32_t top
uint32_t width
uint32_t height
float minZ
float maxZ

Related constants

enum RenderPassTargetAction

Bitfield of actions that happen with target at given slot and subpass.


enumerator RP_TA_NONE

No action with target will happen.

Only dependencyBarrier of binding will be executed for this target


Content of target becomes invalid if no action is supplied overall

enumerator RP_TA_LOAD_READ

Loads contents of target from memory to framebuffer.


Avoid load operations on TBDR hardware

enumerator RP_TA_LOAD_CLEAR

Loads clear value to framebuffer instead of doing any memory operation.

enumerator RP_TA_LOAD_NO_CARE

Don’t care about loading contents of target (aka discard)


Initial content of frame buffer is underfined, make sure to handle this

enumerator RP_TA_LOAD_MASK

Bitmask of any load operation.


load action is performed for each target when its being accessed for the first time in render pass


Target contents will be readed by subpass.


This corresponds to SubpassInput with SubpassLoad inside shader


Generic implementation uses T register with subpassBindingOffset instead of SubpassInput, this must be handled properly in shader code


Target will be used as MSAA resolve destination of MSAA target bound in same slot.


MSAA Depth resolve is optional feature if non generic implementation is used


Must supply MSAA target in same slot in another binding otherwise creation on render pass will fail


Target contents will be written by subpass.


Target contents will be keeped intact if it was not used in subpass (otherwise UB)

enumerator RP_TA_STORE_WRITE

Contents of framebuffer will be written to target memory.

enumerator RP_TA_STORE_NONE

Contents of framebuffer will not be stored.

enumerator RP_TA_STORE_NO_CARE

Don’t care about target memory contents.


Target memory contents will be left in UB state

enumerator RP_TA_STORE_MASK

Bitmask of any load operation.


store action is performed once for each target on whole pass completion

enum RenderPassExtraIndexes

extra indexes that encode special cases of render pass description


enumerator RP_INDEX_NORMAL

Pseudo subpass index, that happens at end of render pass.

Used to provide store actions as well as dependencyBarriers for generic implementation


Slot for depth/stencil.

Using this slot will bind target as depth/stencil

inline constexpr RenderPassTargetAction operator|(RenderPassTargetAction l, RenderPassTargetAction r)