Service accounts
Regular users normally create accounts with user roles assigned in the application.
Developers can also create the so-called service accounts in order to perform some service functions, like testing. When you create a service account, the system generates a certain user token for this service account.
A service account is a special type of user account that external applications or services can utilise to manage resources within the project. Such a user cannot log in to the system with e-mail and password, but it has a UID and a system-generated token assigned to the service account. You can assign roles for such accounts, just as you do for regular users.
A developer can give to the service account permissions to perform certain functions in the project. A developer can use the service account token and UID to launch sessions on behalf of the service account with the assigned permission.
Creating a service account
Press the Create service account button to create a new one.
When you create a new service account, you can specify a display name, comment, and its lifetime (e.g for one year). As a result of creating a service account, you will be issued a token that will allow you to make API requests on behalf of the account.
For your protection, you should never share your token with anyone. If you have lost your token or it has been compromised, you can generate a new token for the account.
Generating a new token for an existing service account
If you need to generate a new token for an existing service account (e.g. in case your current token has been compromised), click Generate New Token. In the dialog box that opens, you can specify the lifetime of the new token.