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Userstat API

This section describes the Userstat API that enables an interaction between the game and the statistics server. The Userstat API uses the json-rpc protocol.

For details on using stats, see the Player statistics section.

Description of common action parameters

Parameters required for all methods

  • appid (int) - application id
  • token (string) - service token or user token

Parameters required for specific methods

  • transactid (int) - transaction id; in some methods (e.g. ChangeStats), this parameter must be unique for the packet of changes, which allows to avoid mistakes when recalling a method.
  • userid (int) - some methods (e.g. ChangeStats) require unique user id.
  • __body__ (json object) - object with request parameters for the unlocks/stats data.

Note that some methods use the same parameters:

  • table (string) - has the same meaning as described in the unlocks doc. It represents a time namespace for calculating statistics, such as:
  • global - stats for all time
  • day - stats for one day


Currently, only the global table is available.


  • index (int) - table index; sequence number for repeating tables (e.g. day table).
  • mode (string) - has the same meaning as described in the unlocks doc. Currently, only the default mode is available.

Admin/Server methods

To ensure the security, it is recommended to call these methods from the server and/or protected apps.


Method for changing user statistics. The token parameter must belong to the user with permissions to change stats, while the userid parameter is the id of the user, which stats to be changed.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "ecdf8a03-a1bf-43f4-96eb-06550cdb63f9",
  "method": "ChangeStats",
  "params": {
    "token": "qWerty", // service token
    "userid": 126516991, // useser id, which stats changes
    "appid": 1197,
    "transactid": 12345678,
    "__body__": {
      "$mode": ["default"],
      "$tables": ["global"],
      "exp": 1,
      "kills": { "$add": 10 }

Stats data placed in the __body__ object.

  • $tables (string array) - This optional parameter specifies the tables for which stats will be changed. If undefined, stats will be changed for all tables.
  • $mode (string array) - parameters that define which modes are used to change stats. For details on using statistic modes, click here. The next key/value pairs means stat_name/increment_value. For the “kill” stat, you have the option to set the increment argument explicitly, where it can be incremented by 10, while the “exp” stat is incremented by 1.

Another way to change stats is to use "$set", which enables you to assign a value to the stat:

"__body__": {
  "$mode": ["default"],
  "$tables": ["global"],
  "exp": {"$set": 100}, // now "exp" is 100

For the stats, calculating as moving average, the $avg parameter is used:

"__body__": {
  "$mode": ["default"],
  "$tables": ["global"],
  "some_avg_stat_name": {
    "$avg" : {
      "$val" : 20, // current session value
      "$len" : 12.5 // session length (same units as 'window' size in stats configuration)

Sessional stats

For the sessional stats (e.g. "kills per battle"), the $sessionId parameter is used:

"__body__": {
  "$mode": ["default"],
  "$tables": ["global"],
  "$sessionId": "12345678",
  "kills_per_battle": 1

Client methods


This method requests stats and unlocks description.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "ecdf8a03-a1bf-43f4-96eb-06550cdb63f9",
  "method": "GetUserStatDescList",
  "params": {
    "appid": 1197,
    "token": "asdfG" // user token
Response :::note The following fields are present in the response, but we currently do not support them. - rewardsTag - currencyCode - minPrice - price - personal - purchaseRequirement - tags - ps4Id - xboxId
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "ecdf8a03-a1bf-43f4-96eb-06550cdb63f9",
  "result": {
    "stats": {
      "exp": {
        "meta": null,
        "name": "exp",
        "type": "INT"
      "gems": {
        "meta": null,
        "name": "gems",
        "type": "INT"
      "kills": {
        "meta": null,
        "name": "kills",
        "type": "INT"
      "level": {
        "meta": null,
        "name": "level",
        "type": "INT"
    "unlocks": {
      "gems": {
        "name": "gems",
        "type": "NORMAL",
        "table": "global",
        "mode": "default",
        "autoRewarding": false,
        "periodic": true,
        "startStageLoop": 1,
        "requirement": "",
        "iconUrl": "",
        "stages": [
            "progress": "2",
            "updStats": [
                "name": "gems",
                "table": "",
                "mode": "default",
                "type": "ADD",
                "value": "1"
            "rewardsTag": "", // not supported
            "currencyCode": "", // not supported
            "minPrice": 0, // not supported
            "price": 0 // not supported
        "personal": "", // not supported
        "purchaseRequirement": "", // not supported
        "tags": "", // not supported
        "ps4Id": "0", // not supported
        "xboxId": "0" // not supported
      "level": {
        "name": "level",
        "type": "NORMAL",
        "table": "global",
        "mode": "default",
        "autoRewarding": true,
        "periodic": true,
        "startStageLoop": 3,
        "requirement": "",
        "iconUrl": "",
        "stages": [
            "progress": "3",
            "updStats": [
                "name": "level",
                "table": "",
                "mode": "default",
                "type": "ADD",
                "value": "1"
            "rewardsTag": "",
            "currencyCode": "",
            "minPrice": 0,
            "price": 0
            "progress": "10",
            "updStats": [
                "name": "level",
                "table": "",
                "mode": "default",
                "type": "ADD",
                "value": "1"
            "rewardsTag": "",
            "currencyCode": "",
            "minPrice": 0,
            "price": 0
            "progress": "25",
            "updStats": [
                "name": "level",
                "table": "",
                "mode": "default",
                "type": "ADD",
                "value": "1"
            "rewardsTag": "",
            "currencyCode": "",
            "minPrice": 0,
            "price": 0
        "personal": "",
        "ps4Id": "0",
        "purchaseRequirement": "",
        "tags": "",
        "xboxId": "0"

See stats description format and unlocks description format for details.


Method to request user statistics.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "ecdf8a03-a1bf-43f4-96eb-06550cdb63f9",
  "method": "GetStats",
  "params": {
    "appid": 1197,
    "token": "asdfG", // user token
    "__body__": {
      "tables": ["global"],
      "modes": ["default"],
      "stats": ["level"]

The parameters tables, modes, stats (string array) work as filter values. When the parameter value is {}, [], null or absent, the filter becomes empty, resulting in all user stats being sent for this filter type. If some values are set, the response will only include the suitable stats as shown in the examples below:

Response on request without "params" (without filters):
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "ecdf8a03-a1bf-43f4-96eb-06550cdb63f9",
  "result": {
    "stats": {
      "global": {
        // table name
        "$index": 1,
        "default": {
          // mode name
          // stats name and value
          "level": 189,
          "gems": 94,
          "exp": 2650,
          "kills": 900
    "timestamp": 1657032352 //request server time stamp
Response on request with "params" {`{"stats": ["level"]}`}:
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "ecdf8a03-a1bf-43f4-96eb-06550cdb63f9",
  "result": {
    "stats": {
      "global": {
        // table name
        "$index": 1,
        "default": {
          // mode name
          "level": 5 // stat name and value
    "timestamp": 1657032352 //request server time stamp


This method is used to request the user’s unlocks progress.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "ecdf8a03-a1bf-43f4-96eb-06550cdb63f9",
  "method": "GetUnlocks",
  "params": {
    "appid": 1197,
    "token": "qWerty"
    "unlocks": ["level"]

The parameters unlocks (string array) work as filter values. When the parameter value is {}, [], null or absent, the filter becomes empty, resulting in all user unlocks being sent for this filter type. If the value is set, the response will only include the suitable unlocks as shown in the examples below:

Response filtering by unlock name:
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "20509a19-478a-421d-ba8c-8600b3f9004b",
  "result": {
    "personalUnlocks": {}, // currently not supported
    "timestamp": 1666256920,
    "unlocks": {
      "level": {
        "lastRewardedStage": 148,
        "lastSeenStage": -1,
        "nextStage": 2215,
        "progress": 2208,
        "stage": 148,
        "timestamp": 1666250620

The request without filter:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "ecdf8a03-a1bf-43f4-96eb-06550cdb63f9",
  "method": "GetUnlocks",
  "params": {
    "appid": 1197,
    "token": "qWerty"
Response with all unlocks:
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "20509a19-478a-421d-ba8c-8600b3f9004b",
  "result": {
    "personalUnlocks": {}, // currently not supported
    "timestamp": 1666256920,
    "unlocks": {
      "gems": {
        "lastRewardedStage": 94,
        "lastSeenStage": -1,
        "nextStage": 192,
        "progress": 190,
        "stage": 95,
        "timestamp": 1666276680
      "level": {
        "lastRewardedStage": 148,
        "lastSeenStage": -1,
        "nextStage": 2215,
        "progress": 2208,
        "stage": 148,
        "timestamp": 1666250620

The response contains data of unlocks, grouped by names.

  • stage value indicates the current unlock's stage.
  • lastRewardedStage is the last rewarded stage. So if unlock is not auto rewardable and there is a difference with stage, you can reward unlock manually.
  • progress shows the current condition value and the nextStage shows which condition value is required to go up to the next stage. For example: for the gems unlock, the nextStage value is 192, and the stage value is 95. This means that you can reach stage 96 when the progress reaches 192.
  • timestamp is the time of the last unlock update (e.g. after the reward).
  • lastSeenStage - the field is used for GUI-notifications for the user who has unseen unlocks that can be rewarded.


A client method for changing the user’s own statistics. With this method, you can change only stats with the allowChangeFromClient flag.

The token parameter is a jwt token user. An external user id is not allowed. This method can change only the user's own statistics. Response contains user stats and unlocks.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "092a4b0a-2857-478f-a5b9-c922df72fe2c",
  "method": "ClnChangeStats",
  "params": {
    "token": "qWerty",
    "appid": 1145,
    "transactid": 12345678,
    "__body__": {
      "$filter": { "stats": ["level"], "unlocks": ["gem"] }, //add stat "level" and unlock "gem" to response
      "$mode": ["default"],
      "$tables": ["global"],
      "level": 1 // increase the level stat by 1
  • $mode, $tables (array of strings) - parameters defining for which mode and table stats are to be changed (work like in the ChangeStats method).
  • $filter - the response filter parameter - an aggregation of filters from the GetStats and GetUnlocks methods. The filter can contain the following fields:

  • tables (string array) - statistics tables which will be added to response

  • modes (string array) - statistics modes which will be added to response
  • stats (string array) - stat names which will be added to response
  • unlocks (string array) - unlock names which will be added to response
  "id": "81acdf80-a423-4c62-8ffb-d3aee72ae164",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "timestamp": 1669031289,
    "stats": {
      "global": {
        "$index": 1,
        "default": {
          "level": 191
    "personalUnlocks": {},
    "unlocks": {
      "gems": {
        "lastRewardedStage": 94,
        "lastSeenStage": -1,
        "nextStage": 192,
        "progress": 190,
        "stage": 95,
        "timestamp": 1666276680






This method is for awarding a user by unlock.

Let’s consider the gems unlock from the GetUnlocks response. The stage exceeds the lastRewardedStage, so it can be rewarded with the following request:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "20509a19-478a-421d-ba8c-8600b3f9004b",
  "method": "GrantRewards",
  "params": {
    "appid": 1197,
    "token": "asdfG", // user token
    "__body__": {
      "unlock": "gems",
      "stage": 95
Response: Response:
  "id": "14a459a2-749e-4d7f-9899-672b7d9f6624",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "personalUnlocks": {},
    "timestamp": 1666277824,
    "unlocks": {
      "gems": {
        "lastRewardedStage": 95,
        "lastSeenStage": -1,
        "nextStage": 192,
        "progress": 190,
        "stage": 95,
        "timestamp": 1666277824
      "level": {
        "lastRewardedStage": 148,
        "lastSeenStage": -1,
        "nextStage": 2215,
        "progress": 2208,
        "stage": 148,
        "timestamp": 1666250620

As seen from the example above, the response format is the same as for the GetUnlocks; the gems unlock is rewarded successfully. Now, if you call GetStats, the gems stat value will be 95, because every unlock stage updates the gems stat by 1 (see GetDescription ).


The method is for changing the unlock’s lastSeenStage field. This field is useful for GUI-notifications for a user who has unseen unlocks that can be rewarded. Mark which the unlock was seen by the user with the following request:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "14a459a2-749e-4d7f-9899-672b7d9f6624",
  "method": "SetLastSeenUnlocks",
  "params": {
    "appid": 1197,
    "token": "asdfG", // user token
    "__body__": {
      "gems": 95, // stage
      "level": 148 // stage

The respose is just:

  "id": "84f2801b-7a73-4889-8bcb-9aa1daaf9941",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "OK"

Now GetUnlocks returns lastSeenStage equal 95, 148 for gems, level respectively.