How to contribute
If you want to contribute to this documentation, here are the steps you can follow:
1. Fork the repository
To fork a repository, navigate to the repository page and click the Fork button in the top-right corner of the page. This creates a copy of the GAP repository on your own GitHub account, which you can modify without affecting the original repository.
2. Make necessary changes
Once you have forked the repository, you can make changes to it. You can do this by cloning the repository to your local machine and making changes using your favorite text editor or IDE.
The documentation portal is built with MkDocs, a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file.
The main language of the documentation is English. Update on how to translate this documentation will follow.
After you have made your changes, you should test them to make sure they look as intended.
Running the development server
To preview your changes as you edit the files, you can run a local development server that will serve website and reflect the latest changes.
Please follow MkDocs' Installation Guide to install MkDocs locally.
Then install additional dependencies we use in our docs.
pip install -r requirements.txt
And then start mkdocs internal server:
mkdocs serve
You will see some lines of output ending with
INFO - Documentation built in 0.39 seconds
INFO - [17:06:49] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml'
INFO - [17:06:49] Serving on
Point your browser to the address in the output above ( in our example).
Using internal links
When using internal links, we strongly recommend the following rules:
- Link to pages by file name (including
- Use relative paths instead of absolute paths
[Apple]( [Banana](subfolder/ [Cherry](../
For more information you can read here.
Generating OpenAPI documentation
Deploying to GitHub Pages
GAP repository uses the GitHub Pages experience with GitHub Actions to deploy the website.
Enable this experience in GitHub repository page: Settings → Pages → Build and deployment → Source by selecting "GitHub Actions" instead of the legacy "Deploy from a branch" option.
In GitHub repository page open at Settings → Environments you should see a GitHub Environment named github-pages
3. Create a Pull Request
When you are ready to contribute your changes back to the original repository, you can create a pull request for review and approval.
To create a pull request, navigate to your forked repository on GitHub and click the Contribute → Open pull request button. From there, you can select the branch you want to merge into the original repository and add a description of your changes.
Once you have created the pull request, the repository owner will receive a notification and can review your changes. They may request changes or ask for additional documentation before merging your changes into the main branch of the repository.