Splines in daEditor
See also
For more information, see spline.blk.
Splines and Rendinsts
Removing Rendinsts Along the Spline
Splines can remove both rendinsts generated at runtime (from masks and scripts) and those saved in the level (generated via splines).
To remove rendinsts generated by masks or scripts, use the parameters in the spline class:
: distance from the center of the spline to the end of the “cleared area”.addFuzzySweepHalfWidth:r=
: distance from the center of the spline to the end of the sparse space, used to create irregular edges.
To remove rendinsts generated along splines, use:
define a distance from the start and end of the spline where objects are not generated (useful for roads that lead into bridges).
To split spline-generated assets into separate entities, use the command Landscape > Instantiate gen. objects into separate entities.
Rendering Along a Loft Instead of a Perfect Spline
To generate instances along a loft, accounting for its curves and twists, enable:
in the loft generation block.useLoftSegs:b=yes
either in the object generation block (for a specific object) or anywhere after the loft definition (for all objects).
Splines as Modifiers
Splines can act as modifiers for heightmaps or land meshes (delanoy).
Sorting Order of Lofts in the Clipmap During Rendering
Order of Spline Classes
This order is set in the daEditor (using the place layer order switch) or in the
of a specific location (vialayerOrder:i=
with values ranging from0
). The higher the value, the higher the spline sits in the rendering layer. This also applies to decals. The priority of splines is higher than that of lofts. To place a decal above a spline, addscript:t="layerOrder=n"
to the decal wheren
is the desired layer.Order of Loft Rendering
Each loft within a spline has a rendering order defined by
. The higher the number, the higher the loft appears in the rendering stack. By default, all lofts are at layer 0.Decals Above Splines
To render decals on top of all splines, check if the box in Exported Parameters > Geom: render loft below all is checked in the daEditor.
Additional Notes
Straight Segments
When creating a spline, holding
forces the spline to consist of straight segments instead of curves (each node switches to corner mode).Tight Fence Orientation
To make objects placed along a spline form a continuous chain, add
in the spline class (within theobjGenerate{}
Asset Orientation Types in the Spline Class
: assets are aligned parallel to the splineorientation:t="spline_up"
Additional Parameter
: this parameter sets zero opacity at the spline’s end vertices (distance in meters). It is applied at the root of the spline.