Driver info API
This file containst the API that allows the user to get different information about the driver, its current state and the hardware it is running on.
enum class APISupport
Enum representing the level of API support for a current hardware. Currently it is only used to check DX12 support with a fallback on DX11 if the support is not full.
enumerator FULL_SUPPORT
Full support for the API.
enumerator OUTDATED_OS
The Windows version is outdated.
The driver is outdated.
The driver is blacklisted (we know about bugs in the driver)
enumerator NO_DEVICE_FOUND
No compatible device found.
enumerator FULL_SUPPORT
class Driver3dInitCallback
Callback class for initializing the 3D driver.
Public Types
using NeedStereoRenderFunc = bool (*)()
Function pointer type for checking if stereo rendering is needed.
using StereoRenderDimensionFunc = int (*)()
Function pointer type for getting the dimension of stereo rendering.
using StereoRenderExtensionsFunc = const char *(*)()
Function pointer type for getting the extensions for stereo rendering.
using StereoRenderVersionsFunc = VersionRange (*)()
Function pointer type for getting the supported versions for stereo rendering
using StereoRenderAdapterFunc = int64_t (*)()
Function pointer type for getting the adapter for stereo rendering.
Public Functions
inline virtual void verifyResolutionSettings(int &ref_scr_wdt, int &ref_scr_hgt, int base_scr_wdt, int base_scr_hgt, bool window_mode) const
Verifies the resolution settings.
- Parameters:
ref_scr_wdt – The reference screen width
ref_scr_hgt – The reference screen height
base_scr_wdt – The base screen width
base_scr_hgt – The base screen height
window_mode – Flag indicating if the window mode is enabled
virtual int validateDesc(Driver3dDesc &desc) const = 0
Validates the driver description.
- Todo:
This fucntion is not used anywhere. Remove it?
- Parameters:
desc – The driver description to validate
- Returns:
virtual int compareDesc(Driver3dDesc &A, Driver3dDesc &B) const = 0
Compares two driver descriptions.
- Todo:
This fucntion is not used anywhere. Remove it?
- Parameters:
A – The first driver description
B – The second driver description
- Returns:
inline virtual bool desiredStereoRender() const
Checks if stereo rendering is desired.
- Returns:
True if stereo rendering is desired, false otherwise
inline virtual int64_t desiredAdapter() const
Gets the desired adapter.
- Returns:
The desired adapter ID
inline virtual RenderSize desiredRendererSize() const
Gets the desired size of the renderer.
- Returns:
The desired size of the renderer
inline virtual const char *desiredRendererDeviceExtensions() const
Gets the desired device extensions for the renderer.
- Returns:
The desired device extensions for the renderer
inline virtual const char *desiredRendererInstanceExtensions() const
Gets the desired instance extensions for the renderer.
- Returns:
The desired instance extensions for the renderer
inline virtual VersionRange desiredRendererVersionRange() const
Gets the desired version range for the renderer.
- Returns:
The desired version range for the renderer
struct RenderSize
Struct representing the size of the render area.
struct VersionRange
Struct representing a range of driver versions.
using NeedStereoRenderFunc = bool (*)()
namespace d3d
int guess_gpu_vendor(String *out_gpu_desc = NULL, uint32_t *out_drv_ver = NULL, DagorDateTime *out_drv_date = NULL, uint32_t *device_id = nullptr)
Guesses and returns the GPU vendor ID.
- Parameters:
out_gpu_desc – Pointer to store the GPU description
out_drv_ver – Pointer to store the driver version
out_drv_date – Pointer to store the driver date
device_id – Pointer to store the device ID
- Returns:
The GPU vendor ID for enum D3D_VENDOR_…
DagorDateTime get_gpu_driver_date(int vendor)
Gets the driver date for the GPU vendor.
- Parameters:
vendor – The GPU vendor ID
- Returns:
The driver date for the GPU vendor
unsigned get_dedicated_gpu_memory_size_kb()
Determines and returns the size of the dedicated GPU memory in KB.
- Returns:
The size of the dedicated GPU memory in KB
unsigned get_free_dedicated_gpu_memory_size_kb()
Determines and returns the size of the free dedicated GPU memory in KB.
- Returns:
The size of the free dedicated GPU memory in KB
void get_current_gpu_memory_kb(uint32_t *dedicated_total, uint32_t *dedicated_free)
Gets the current GPU memory during the game (supports only Nvidia GPUs).
- Parameters:
dedicated_total – Pointer to store the total dedicated GPU memory
dedicated_free – Pointer to store the free dedicated GPU memory
bool get_gpu_freq(String &out_freq)
Gets the GPU frequency.
This function works only for Nvidia GPUs
- Parameters:
out_freq – String to store the GPU frequency
- Returns:
True if the GPU frequency was successfully retrieved, false otherwise
int get_gpu_temperature()
Gets the GPU temperature.
This function works only for Nvidia GPUs
- Returns:
The GPU temperature
void get_video_vendor_str(String &out_str)
Gets the video vendor string.
- Parameters:
out_str – String to store the video vendor string
float get_display_scale()
Gets the display scale.
- Returns:
The display scale
void disable_sli()
Disables SLI settings for the profile.
- Todo:
Remove. We don’t support SLI anymore
const char *get_driver_name()
Gets the driver name.
- Returns:
The driver name
DriverCode get_driver_code()
Gets the driver code.
- Returns:
The driver code
static inline bool is_stub_driver()
Checks if the d3d-stub driver is used.
- Returns:
True if the d3d-stub driver is used, false otherwise
const char *get_device_driver_version()
Gets the device driver version.
Work only for Vulkan. On other platforms returns “1.0”
- Returns:
The device driver version
const char *get_device_name()
Gets the device name.
- Returns:
The device name
const char *get_last_error()
Gets the last error message.
- Returns:
The last error message
uint32_t get_last_error_code()
Gets the last error code.
- Returns:
The last error code
void *get_device()
Gets the raw pointer to the device interface (implementation and platform specific).
- Returns:
The raw pointer to the device interface
void *get_context()
Gets the raw pointer to the device context (implementation and platform specific).
- Returns:
The raw pointer to the device context
const Driver3dDesc &get_driver_desc()
Gets the driver description.
- Returns:
The driver description
bool is_in_device_reset_now()
Checks if the device is in device reset or being reset.
- Returns:
True if the device is in device reset or being reset, false otherwise
bool is_window_occluded()
Checks if the game rendering window is completely occluded.
- Returns:
True if the game rendering window is completely occluded, false otherwise
bool should_use_compute_for_image_processing(std::initializer_list<unsigned> formats)
Checks if compute commands should be preferred for image processing.
Implemented only for DX11
- Parameters:
formats – The list of image formats
- Returns:
True if compute commands should be preferred, false otherwise
int guess_gpu_vendor(String *out_gpu_desc = NULL, uint32_t *out_drv_ver = NULL, DagorDateTime *out_drv_date = NULL, uint32_t *device_id = nullptr)