Constants, Structures and Enumerations
typedef int VPROG
typedef int FSHADER
typedef int VDECL
typedef int PROGRAM
typedef int PALID
typedef int VPRTYPE
typedef unsigned long FSHTYPE
typedef unsigned long VSDTYPE
typedef unsigned long long GPUFENCEHANDLE
using DeviceDriverCapabilities = DeviceDriverCapabilitiesBase
using DeviceDriverIssues = DeviceDriverIssuesNoIssues
enum ShaderStage
enumerator STAGE_CS
enumerator STAGE_PS
enumerator STAGE_VS
enumerator STAGE_MAX
enumerator STAGE_MAX_EXT
enumerator STAGE_CS
enumerator MAXSAMPLERS
enumerator MAXSTREAMS
enumerator MAX_SLI_AFRS
enumerator MAXSAMPLERS
enumerator VDECLUSAGE_TC
Buffer can be used as a shader binding table. Should not be used directly, use get_shader_binding_table_buffer_properties to calculate all properties, including create flags.
Buffer is used as scratch space for RT structure builds.
enumerator SBCF_DYNAMIC
enumerator SBCF_ZEROMEM
enumerator SBCF_INDEX32
enumerator SBCF_FRAMEMEM
enumerator SBCF_ALIGN16
enumerator SBCF_BIND_MASK
enumerator SBCF_BIND_INDEX
enumerator SBCF_MISC_MASK
enumerator SBCF_CB_ONE_FRAME
enumerator SBCF_INDIRECT
enumerator WRAP_COORD0
enumerator WRAP_COORD1
enumerator WRAP_COORD2
enumerator WRAP_COORD3
enumerator WRAP_COORD0
enumerator VCDEST_NONE
enumerator VCDEST_AMB
enumerator VCDEST_DIFF
enumerator VCDEST_AMB_DIFF
enumerator VCDEST_EMIS
enumerator VCDEST_SPEC
enumerator VCDEST_NONE
enumerator WRITEMASK_RED0
enumerator WRITEMASK_BLUE0
enumerator WRITEMASK_RED1
enumerator WRITEMASK_RED2
enumerator WRITEMASK_RED3
enumerator WRITEMASK_RED4
enumerator WRITEMASK_RED5
enumerator WRITEMASK_RED6
enumerator WRITEMASK_RED7
enumerator WRITEMASK_BLUE1
enumerator WRITEMASK_BLUE2
enumerator WRITEMASK_BLUE3
enumerator WRITEMASK_BLUE4
enumerator WRITEMASK_BLUE5
enumerator WRITEMASK_BLUE6
enumerator WRITEMASK_BLUE7
enumerator WRITEMASK_RED
enumerator WRITEMASK_RGB
enumerator WRITEMASK_ALL
enumerator WRITEMASK_RED0
enum class XessState
enumerator DISABLED
enumerator SUPPORTED
enumerator READY
enum class Fsr2State
enumerator NOT_CHECKED
enumerator INIT_ERROR
enumerator SUPPORTED
enumerator READY
enumerator NOT_CHECKED
enum class HdrOutputMode
enumerator SDR_ONLY
enumerator HDR10_AND_SDR
enumerator HDR10_ONLY
enumerator HDR_ONLY
enumerator SDR_ONLY
enum DepthResolveMode
This enum defines bits signalling supported depth resolve modes. Depth resolve is a functionality supported by some GAPIs which allows to resolve MSAA depth into a single sampled one.
In the context of Vulkan, we do additional checks to determine supported depth resolve modes. Therefore, fewer modes than the driver returns can be reported.
Depth resolve unsupported.
Use a value from the 0th sample. If depth resolve is supported, this is generally supported too.
Use the average value from all samples. Not supported on iOS, rarely supported on Android Vulkan.
Use the smallest value from all samples. Supported on iOS, rarely supported on Android Vulkan.
Same as DEPTH_RESOLVE_MODE_MIN, but the largest value is used instead.
enum class VariableRateShadingCombiner
Combiners for VRS for vertex stage and pixel shader state.
Should the device support DeviceDriverCapabilities::hasVariableRateShadingCombiners, then each combiner can be used for any stage in any combination. When DeviceDriverCapabilities::hasVariableRateShadingCombiners is not supported then the following restrictions apply:
vertex state can only be PASSTHROUGH
if DeviceDriverCapabilities::hasVariableRateShadingShaderOutput is supported then vertex state can additionally be OVERRIDE
pixel state can only be PASSTHROUGH
if DeviceDriverCapabilities::hasVariableRateShadingTexture is supported then pixel state can additionally be OVERRIDE
selects rate value from previous stage
enumerator VRS_OVERRIDE
selects rate from this stage
enumerator VRS_MIN
selects min of previous and this stage
enumerator VRS_MAX
selects max of previous and this stage
enumerator VRS_SUM
adds values of previous and this stage and clamps it to max possible value
enum ResourceBarrier
enumerator RB_RW_UAV
enumerator RB_RW_COPY_DEST
enumerator RB_RW_BLIT_DEST
enumerator RB_RO_SRV
enumerator RB_RO_COPY_SOURCE
enumerator RB_RO_BLIT_SOURCE
enumerator RB_STAGE_VERTEX
enumerator RB_STAGE_PIXEL
enumerator RB_FLUSH_UAV
enumerator RB_ALIAS_FROM
enumerator RB_ALIAS_TO
enumerator RB_ALIAS_ALL
enumerator RB_NONE
inline constexpr ResourceBarrier operator|(ResourceBarrier l, ResourceBarrier r)
inline constexpr ResourceBarrier operator&(ResourceBarrier l, ResourceBarrier r)
inline constexpr ResourceBarrier operator^(ResourceBarrier l, ResourceBarrier r)
static constexpr int BAD_VPROG = -1
static constexpr int BAD_FSHADER = -1
static constexpr int BAD_VDECL = -1
static constexpr int BAD_PROGRAM = -1
static constexpr int BAD_PALID = -1
static constexpr size_t RT_TRANSFORM_SIZE = sizeof(float) * 12
struct DeviceDriverCapabilitiesBase
A boolean bitfield that describes which optional features that are available with the used device / driver combination.
To add new capability indicators, you need to follow those steps:
Add the new cap indicator boolean bit to the end of this structure.
For platforms where this cap is always be available or not available, add a static constexpr boolean with the same name with the platform specific derived structures. This will hide the boolean bitfield for the target platform and the constant will be used instead.
Add the documentation to all the platform specific constant overrides. Use existing documentation as a basis. Here are the basics:
Use \briefconstcap{“const value”, DeviceDriverCapabilitiesBase::”cap name”} to generate the basic description for the overriding value.
”const value” should be replaced with the constant value of this override.
”cap name” should be the name of the cap.
Use \NYI to indicate that the driver could support this feature, but do not implemented it yet.
Add documentation to the cap indicator boolean bit of this struct.
Use \capbrief “brief cap description” to generate the brief description of this cap. This alias will start the brief with the standard introducing phrase “Indicates that the device driver”.
Use \platformtable{“cap name”,”xbone”,”scarlett”,”ps4”,”ps5”,”ios”,”tvos”,”nswitch”,”android”,”mac”,”linux”,”win32”} to generate the platform value table.
”cap name” should be the name of the cap.
”xbone”, “scarlett”, “ps4”, “ps5”, “ios”, “tvos”, “nswitch”, “android”, “mac”, “linux”, “win32” should be one of the following values:
c for constant, the actual value is pulled from the description generated by \briefconstcap for the cosponsoring platform.
a for alias, this works only for “scarlett” and “ps5”, for others this is the same as c. It uses the value of “xbone” and “ps4”, for “scarlett” and “ps5” respectively. This is needed when a const value is specified for “xbone” or “ps4” platform and inherited by the “scarlett” or “ps5” platform, to correctly display the inherited value.
r for runtime determined. This is for platforms where there is no constant override and it is determined by the active driver of the platform.
Ensure that there are no spaces around the platform specific values (c, a or r), otherwise the alias expansion will result in broken statements and documentation.
Use \someNYI to indicate that there are drivers that could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
See derived types for platform specific constant overrides.
Subclassed by DeviceDriverCapabilitiesAndroid, DeviceDriverCapabilitiesIOS, DeviceDriverCapabilitiesLinux, DeviceDriverCapabilitiesMacOSX, DeviceDriverCapabilitiesNintendoSwitch, DeviceDriverCapabilitiesPS4, DeviceDriverCapabilitiesTVOS, DeviceDriverCapabilitiesWindows, DeviceDriverCapabilitiesXboxOne
Public Members
bool hasAnisotropicFilter
Indicates that the device driver supports anisotropic filtering of textures.
Devices without support will silently treat any value for anisotropic filtering as 1.0.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
bool hasDepthReadOnly
Indicates that the device driver supports constant depth stencil targets that allow simultaneous sampling as a shader resource.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
bool hasStructuredBuffers
Indicates that the device driver supports structured buffer types.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
bool hasNoOverwriteOnShaderResourceBuffers
Indicates that the device driver supports locking of structured buffers with the no-overwrite method.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
bool hasForcedSamplerCount
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multi-sample count during raster phase.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasVolMipMap
Indicates that the device driver supports mipmaps for vol (eg 3D) textures.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
bool hasAsyncCompute
Indicates that the device driver supports GpuPipeline::ASYNC_COMPUTE as selected pipeline when applicable.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasOcclusionQuery
Indicates that the device driver supports occlusion queries.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
bool hasConstBufferOffset
Indicates that the device driver supports values other than 0 for
of d3d::set_const_buffer.Remark
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasDepthBoundsTest
Indicates that the device driver supports depth bounds testing. See d3d::set_depth_bounds for details of depth bounds testing.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasConditionalRender
Indicates that the device driver supports conditional rendering.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasResourceCopyConversion
Indicates that the device driver supports copy of textures of different but compatible formats.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
bool hasAsyncCopy
Indicates that the device driver supports asynchronously issued copy operations.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
bool hasReadMultisampledDepth
Indicates that the device driver supports reading from multi-sampled depth stencil targets.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
bool hasInstanceID
Indicates that the device driver supports instance id system variable in shaders.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasConservativeRassterization
Indicates that the device driver supports conservative rastering.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasQuadTessellation
Indicates that the device driver supports quad tessellation.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasGather4
Indicates that the device driver supports gather intrinsic in shaders.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
bool hasAlphaCoverage
Indicates that the device driver supports the alpha to coverage raster feature.
- Todo:
Candidate for removal if situation for PS4/5 is clarified, there it seems to be not implemented.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
bool hasWellSupportedIndirect
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect drawing.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasBindless
Indicates that the device driver supports the bindless API and resource access in shaders.
- Todo:
May need to split into multiple caps as some drivers do not support buffers.
- Bug:
Nintendo Switch is experimental support and so is not a constant cap yet.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasNVApi
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the Nvidia driver API is available for the render device.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasATIApi
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the AMD / ATI driver API is available for the render device.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasVariableRateShading
Indicates that the device driver supports basic per draw shading rates.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasVariableRateShadingTexture
Indicates that the device driver supports shading rate textures as a source of shading rate information.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasVariableRateShadingShaderOutput
Indicates that the device driver supports shader generated shading rates.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasVariableRateShadingCombiners
Indicates that the device driver supports combiners for variable rate shading to select the final shading rate.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasVariableRateShadingBy4
Indicates that the device driver supports variable rate shading blocks with sizes of 4 in X and Y direction.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasAliasedTextures
Indicates that the device driver supports creation of aliased textures.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasResourceHeaps
Indicates that the device driver supports the resource heap API.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the resource heap API.
Indicates that the device driver supports the resource heap API.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasBufferOverlapCopy
Indicates that the device driver supports overlapping buffer copies.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasBufferOverlapRegionsCopy
Indicates that the device driver uses region based copies when overlapping copies are executed.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasUAVOnlyForcedSampleCount
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multisample count without render targets and only outputting to UAVs.
- Bug:
There is no way of querying the number of samples that are supported. So the Vulkan driver, for example, assumes 1, 2, 4 and 8 samples to be required.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasShader64BitIntegerResources
Indicates that the device driver supports 64 bit integers shader resource types.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasNativeRenderPassSubPasses
Indicates that the device driver is not emulating render sup-passes.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
bool hasTiled2DResources
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 2D textures.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasTiled3DResources
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 3D textures;.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasTiledSafeResourcesAccess
Indicates that the device driver supports safe read and write access for not mapped tiles of tiled resources. Such reads return 0 and writes are ignored.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasTiledMemoryAliasing
Indicates that the device driver supports memory aliasing of multiple tiles.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasDLSS
Indicates that the device driver supports Nvidia DLSS. DLSS stand for Deep Learning Super Sampling.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasXESS
Indicates that the device driver supports Intel XESS. XESS stands for Xe Super Sampling.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasDrawID
Indicates that the device driver supports draw id in shaders.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
bool hasMeshShader
Indicates that the device driver supports the mesh shader pipeline.
The mesh shader pipeline is a one or two shader stage that replaces the vertex shader based pre raster portion of the graphics pipeline. Mesh shaders are compute shaders that generate vertices and indices which form primitives like triangles or lines.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasBasicViewInstancing
Indicates that the device driver supports basic view instancing.
View instancing may be implemented with replicating render commands for each view.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasOptimizedViewInstancing
Indicates that the device driver has some optimizations for view instanced rendering.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasAcceleratedViewInstancing
Indicates that the device driver has hardware acceleration to natively support view instanced rendering.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
bool hasRenderPassDepthResolve
Indicates that the device driver can resolve multi-sampled depth stencil render targets in a render pass.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasStereoExpansion
Indicates that the device driver supports stereo render expansion.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
bool hasTileBasedArchitecture
Indicates that the device driver architecture is known to be a tile renderer.
Tile renderers bin raster work into tiles and execute rastering and pixel shaders tile by tile to reduce bandwidth to off chip memory (RAM). Certain optimizations favor regular rasterers over tiled rasterers and vice versa.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver architecture is known to be a tile renderer.
Indicates that the device driver architecture is known to be a tile renderer.
bool hasLazyMemory
Indicates that the device driver supports lazily allocated memory.
Supported on most TBDR GPUs, allocates memory by on-chip tile/framebuffer memory for transient render targets.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
bool hasIndirectSupport
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support indirect calls.
This is at least true on some of the older iOS hardware (A8) which can’t do either drawIndirect nor dispatchIndirect
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support indirect calls.
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support indirect calls.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
bool hasCompareSampler
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support comparison samplers.
This is at least true on some of the older iOS hardware (A8) which can only do constexp inline samplers and we don’t wanna open this can of worm
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support comparison samplers.
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support comparison samplers.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
bool hasShaderFloat16Support
Indicates that the device driver supports 16-bit floating-point types in shaders for arithmetic operations.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesXboxOne::”hasShaderFloat16Support” “Xbox One”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesXboxOne::”hasShaderFloat16Support” “Xbox Series X / S”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesPS4::”hasShaderFloat16Support” “PlayStation 4”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesPS4::”hasShaderFloat16Support” “PlayStation 5”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesIOS::”hasShaderFloat16Support” “iOS”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesTVOS::”hasShaderFloat16Support” “tvOS”
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesMacOSX::”hasShaderFloat16Support” “macOS”
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasUAVOnEveryStage
Indicates that the device driver supports UAV access in every shader stage, without this cap UAV is only available in pixel and compute shaders.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesXboxOne::”hasUAVOnEveryStage” “Xbox One”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesXboxOne::”hasUAVOnEveryStage” “Xbox Series X / S”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesPS4::”hasUAVOnEveryStage” “PlayStation 4”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesPS4::”hasUAVOnEveryStage” “PlayStation 5”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesIOS::”hasUAVOnEveryStage” “iOS”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesTVOS::”hasUAVOnEveryStage” “tvOS”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesNintendoSwitch::”hasUAVOnEveryStage” “Nintendo Switch”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesAndroid::”hasUAVOnEveryStage” “Android”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesMacOSX::”hasUAVOnEveryStage” “macOS”
DeviceDriverCapabilitiesLinux::”hasUAVOnEveryStage” “Linux”
Runtime determined.
bool hasRayAccelerationStructure
Indicates that the device driver supports acceleration structures for ray tracing / ray queries, will be true if hasRayAccelerationStructure, hasRayQuery and / or hasRayDispatch is supported. The vertex format of VSDT_FLOAT3 is guaranteed, for additional formats d3d::raytrace::check_vertex_format_support_for_acceleration_structure_build needs to be used to check for support.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports acceleration structures for ray tracing / ray queries, will be true if hasRayAccelerationStructure, hasRayQuery and / or hasRayDispatch is supported. The vertex format of VSDT_FLOAT3 is guaranteed, for additional formats d3d::raytrace::check_vertex_format_support_for_acceleration_structure_build needs to be used to check for support.
Indicates that the device driver supports acceleration structures for ray tracing / ray queries, will be true if hasRayAccelerationStructure, hasRayQuery and / or hasRayDispatch is supported. The vertex format of VSDT_FLOAT3 is guaranteed, for additional formats d3d::raytrace::check_vertex_format_support_for_acceleration_structure_build needs to be used to check for support.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Indicates that the device driver supports acceleration structures for ray tracing / ray queries, will be true if hasRayAccelerationStructure, hasRayQuery and / or hasRayDispatch is supported. The vertex format of VSDT_FLOAT3 is guaranteed, for additional formats d3d::raytrace::check_vertex_format_support_for_acceleration_structure_build needs to be used to check for support.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasRayQuery
Indicates that the device driver supports ray queries (“inline ray tracing”) in any shader stage.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasRayDispatch
Indicates that the device driver supports ray dispatch with its own ray tracing shader stage.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasIndirectRayDispatch
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect dispatch for dispatch rays.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasGeometryIndexInRayAccelerationStructure
Indicates that the device driver supports geometry index information in acceleration structures in ray tracing / ray query shaders.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasSkipPrimitiveTypeInRayTracingShaders
Indicates that the device driver supports masking flags in shaders to ignore triangle or procedural geometry during traversal.
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasBaseVertexSupport
Indicates that the device driver is false when HW does not support draw cals with non-zero baseVertex.
This feature is not supported by older iOS hardware (such as A8 chips)
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver is false when HW does not support draw cals with non-zero baseVertex.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
Constant true.
Constant true.
bool castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported
Indicates that the device driver castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported supports casting (aliasing) fully typed formats between each other (same as op3.CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported in DX12)
Some drivers without support could support this feature, but do not implement it yet.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported supports casting (aliasing) fully typed formats between each other (same as op3.CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported in DX12)
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasNativeRayTracePipelineExpansion
bool hasWaveOps
Indicates that the device driver supports wave ops.
“xbone”, “scarlett”, “ps4”, “ps5”, “ios”, “tvos”, “nswitch”, “android”, “mac”, “linux”, “win32” should be one of the following
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Constant true.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
bool hasPersistentShaderHandles
Indicates that the device driver hasPersistentShaderHandles indicates that shader handles of pipeline objects, that are used for shader binding tables, are persistent and are the same for derived pipelines and pipelines that use the same shader from the same shader library.
Constant false.
Constant true.
Constant false.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Constant false.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
Runtime determined.
struct DeviceDriverCapabilitiesXboxOne : public DeviceDriverCapabilitiesBase
Optimized capabilities structure, hiding bitfield entries with static const values of known platform features for Xbox One.
Subclassed by DeviceDriverCapabilitiesScarlett
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports anisotropic filtering of textures.
static constexpr bool hasDepthReadOnly = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports constant depth stencil targets that allow simultaneous sampling as a shader resource.
static constexpr bool hasStructuredBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports structured buffer types.
static constexpr bool hasNoOverwriteOnShaderResourceBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports locking of structured buffers with the no-overwrite method.
static constexpr bool hasForcedSamplerCount = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multi-sample count during raster phase.
static constexpr bool hasVolMipMap = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports mipmaps for vol (eg 3D) textures.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCompute = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports GpuPipeline::ASYNC_COMPUTE as selected pipeline when applicable.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasOcclusionQuery = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports occlusion queries.
static constexpr bool hasConstBufferOffset = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports values other than 0 for
of d3d::set_const_buffer.
static constexpr bool hasDepthBoundsTest = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports depth bounds testing. See d3d::set_depth_bounds for details of depth bounds testing.
static constexpr bool hasConditionalRender = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports conditional rendering.
static constexpr bool hasResourceCopyConversion = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports copy of textures of different but compatible formats.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCopy = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports asynchronously issued copy operations.
static constexpr bool hasReadMultisampledDepth = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports reading from multi-sampled depth stencil targets.
static constexpr bool hasInstanceID = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports instance id system variable in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasConservativeRassterization = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports conservative rastering.
static constexpr bool hasQuadTessellation = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports quad tessellation.
static constexpr bool hasGather4 = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports gather intrinsic in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasAlphaCoverage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the alpha to coverage raster feature.
static constexpr bool hasWellSupportedIndirect = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect drawing.
static constexpr bool hasBindless = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the bindless API and resource access in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasNVApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the Nvidia driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasATIApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the AMD / ATI driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShading = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic per draw shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingTexture = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shading rate textures as a source of shading rate information.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingShaderOutput = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shader generated shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingCombiners = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports combiners for variable rate shading to select the final shading rate.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingBy4 = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports variable rate shading blocks with sizes of 4 in X and Y direction.
static constexpr bool hasAliasedTextures = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports creation of aliased textures.
static constexpr bool hasResourceHeaps = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the resource heap API.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapCopy = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports overlapping buffer copies.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapRegionsCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver uses region based copies when overlapping copies are executed.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnlyForcedSampleCount = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multisample count without render targets and only outputting to UAVs.
static constexpr bool hasShader64BitIntegerResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports 64 bit integers shader resource types.
static constexpr bool hasNativeRenderPassSubPasses = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver is not emulating render sup-passes.
static constexpr bool hasTiled2DResources = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 2D textures.
static constexpr bool hasTiled3DResources = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 3D textures;.
static constexpr bool hasTiledSafeResourcesAccess = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports safe read and write access for not mapped tiles of tiled resources. Such reads return 0 and writes are ignored.
static constexpr bool hasTiledMemoryAliasing = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports memory aliasing of multiple tiles.
static constexpr bool hasDLSS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Nvidia DLSS. DLSS stand for Deep Learning Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasXESS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Intel XESS. XESS stands for Xe Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasDrawID = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports draw id in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasMeshShader = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the mesh shader pipeline.
static constexpr bool hasBasicViewInstancing = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic view instancing.
static constexpr bool hasOptimizedViewInstancing = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver has some optimizations for view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasAcceleratedViewInstancing = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver has hardware acceleration to natively support view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasRenderPassDepthResolve = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver can resolve multi-sampled depth stencil render targets in a render pass.
static constexpr bool hasStereoExpansion = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports stereo render expansion.
static constexpr bool hasTileBasedArchitecture = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver architecture is known to be a tile renderer.
static constexpr bool hasLazyMemory = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports lazily allocated memory.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support indirect calls.
static constexpr bool hasCompareSampler = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support comparison samplers.
static constexpr bool hasShaderFloat16Support = true
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports 16-bit floating-point types in shaders for arithmetic operations.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnEveryStage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports UAV access in every shader stage, without this cap UAV is only available in pixel and compute shaders.
static constexpr bool hasRayAccelerationStructure = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports acceleration structures for ray tracing / ray queries, will be true if hasRayAccelerationStructure, hasRayQuery and / or hasRayDispatch is supported. The vertex format of VSDT_FLOAT3 is guaranteed, for additional formats d3d::raytrace::check_vertex_format_support_for_acceleration_structure_build needs to be used to check for support.
static constexpr bool hasRayQuery = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray queries (“inline ray tracing”) in any shader stage.
static constexpr bool hasRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray dispatch with its own ray tracing shader stage.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect dispatch for dispatch rays.
static constexpr bool hasGeometryIndexInRayAccelerationStructure = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports geometry index information in acceleration structures in ray tracing / ray query shaders.
static constexpr bool hasSkipPrimitiveTypeInRayTracingShaders = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports masking flags in shaders to ignore triangle or procedural geometry during traversal.
static constexpr bool hasBaseVertexSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver is false when HW does not support draw cals with non-zero baseVertex.
static constexpr bool castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported supports casting (aliasing) fully typed formats between each other (same as op3.CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported in DX12)
static constexpr bool hasNativeRayTracePipelineExpansion = false
Constant false.
See also
static constexpr bool hasWaveOps = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports wave ops.
static constexpr bool hasPersistentShaderHandles = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver hasPersistentShaderHandles indicates that shader handles of pipeline objects, that are used for shader binding tables, are persistent and are the same for derived pipelines and pipelines that use the same shader from the same shader library.
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
struct DeviceDriverCapabilitiesScarlett : public DeviceDriverCapabilitiesXboxOne
Optimized capabilities structure, hiding bitfield entries with static const values of known platform features for Xbox Series X / S.
Uses Xbox One optimized values and overrides only differences.
See also
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasConservativeRassterization = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports conservative rastering.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShading = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic per draw shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingTexture = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports shading rate textures as a source of shading rate information.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingShaderOutput = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports shader generated shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingCombiners = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports combiners for variable rate shading to select the final shading rate.
static constexpr bool hasShader64BitIntegerResources = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports 64 bit integers shader resource types.
Documentation states that HLSL 6.6 64 bit atomics are not supported directly, but HLSL xbox extensions that offer 64 bit atomics are. So they may need different instructions to support the same operations.
static constexpr bool hasMeshShader = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the mesh shader pipeline.
Documentation is contradicting it self about proper support of indirect dispatch with pipelines that use amplification shaders.
static constexpr bool hasRayAccelerationStructure = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports acceleration structures for ray tracing / ray queries, will be true if hasRayAccelerationStructure, hasRayQuery and / or hasRayDispatch is supported. The vertex format of VSDT_FLOAT3 is guaranteed, for additional formats d3d::raytrace::check_vertex_format_support_for_acceleration_structure_build needs to be used to check for support.
static constexpr bool hasRayQuery = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray queries (“inline ray tracing”) in any shader stage.
This is not directly supported, there is a software implementation available, see GDK documentation for details.
static constexpr bool hasRayDispatch = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray dispatch with its own ray tracing shader stage.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectRayDispatch = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect dispatch for dispatch rays.
static constexpr bool hasGeometryIndexInRayAccelerationStructure = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports geometry index information in acceleration structures in ray tracing / ray query shaders.
static constexpr bool hasSkipPrimitiveTypeInRayTracingShaders = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports masking flags in shaders to ignore triangle or procedural geometry during traversal.
static constexpr bool hasBaseVertexSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver is false when HW does not support draw cals with non-zero baseVertex.
static constexpr bool castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported supports casting (aliasing) fully typed formats between each other (same as op3.CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported in DX12)
static constexpr bool hasNativeRayTracePipelineExpansion = true
Constant true.
See also
static constexpr bool hasPersistentShaderHandles = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver hasPersistentShaderHandles indicates that shader handles of pipeline objects, that are used for shader binding tables, are persistent and are the same for derived pipelines and pipelines that use the same shader from the same shader library.
static constexpr bool hasConservativeRassterization = true
struct DeviceDriverCapabilitiesPS4 : public DeviceDriverCapabilitiesBase
Optimized capabilities structure, hiding bitfield entries with static const values of known platform features for PlayStation 4.
Subclassed by DeviceDriverCapabilitiesPS5
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports anisotropic filtering of textures.
static constexpr bool hasDepthReadOnly = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports constant depth stencil targets that allow simultaneous sampling as a shader resource.
static constexpr bool hasStructuredBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports structured buffer types.
static constexpr bool hasNoOverwriteOnShaderResourceBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports locking of structured buffers with the no-overwrite method.
static constexpr bool hasForcedSamplerCount = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multi-sample count during raster phase.
static constexpr bool hasVolMipMap = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports mipmaps for vol (eg 3D) textures.
static constexpr bool hasOcclusionQuery = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports occlusion queries.
static constexpr bool hasConstBufferOffset = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports values other than 0 for
of d3d::set_const_buffer.Remark
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasDepthBoundsTest = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports depth bounds testing. See d3d::set_depth_bounds for details of depth bounds testing.
static constexpr bool hasConditionalRender = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports conditional rendering.
static constexpr bool hasResourceCopyConversion = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports copy of textures of different but compatible formats.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCopy = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports asynchronously issued copy operations.
static constexpr bool hasReadMultisampledDepth = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports reading from multi-sampled depth stencil targets.
static constexpr bool hasInstanceID = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports instance id system variable in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasConservativeRassterization = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports conservative rastering.
static constexpr bool hasQuadTessellation = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports quad tessellation.
static constexpr bool hasGather4 = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports gather intrinsic in shaders.
- Todo:
Clarify why no support is advertised.
static constexpr bool hasAlphaCoverage = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the alpha to coverage raster feature.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasWellSupportedIndirect = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect drawing.
static constexpr bool hasBindless = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the bindless API and resource access in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasNVApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the Nvidia driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasATIApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the AMD / ATI driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShading = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic per draw shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingTexture = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shading rate textures as a source of shading rate information.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingShaderOutput = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shader generated shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingCombiners = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports combiners for variable rate shading to select the final shading rate.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingBy4 = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports variable rate shading blocks with sizes of 4 in X and Y direction.
static constexpr bool hasAliasedTextures = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports creation of aliased textures.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports overlapping buffer copies.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapRegionsCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver uses region based copies when overlapping copies are executed.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnlyForcedSampleCount = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multisample count without render targets and only outputting to UAVs.
static constexpr bool hasShader64BitIntegerResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports 64 bit integers shader resource types.
static constexpr bool hasNativeRenderPassSubPasses = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver is not emulating render sup-passes.
static constexpr bool hasTiled2DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 2D textures.
static constexpr bool hasTiled3DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 3D textures;.
static constexpr bool hasTiledSafeResourcesAccess = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports safe read and write access for not mapped tiles of tiled resources. Such reads return 0 and writes are ignored.
static constexpr bool hasTiledMemoryAliasing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports memory aliasing of multiple tiles.
static constexpr bool hasDLSS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Nvidia DLSS. DLSS stand for Deep Learning Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasXESS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Intel XESS. XESS stands for Xe Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasDrawID = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports draw id in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasMeshShader = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the mesh shader pipeline.
static constexpr bool hasBasicViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic view instancing.
static constexpr bool hasOptimizedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has some optimizations for view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasAcceleratedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has hardware acceleration to natively support view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasRenderPassDepthResolve = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver can resolve multi-sampled depth stencil render targets in a render pass.
static constexpr bool hasStereoExpansion = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports stereo render expansion.
static constexpr bool hasTileBasedArchitecture = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver architecture is known to be a tile renderer.
static constexpr bool hasLazyMemory = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports lazily allocated memory.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support indirect calls.
static constexpr bool hasCompareSampler = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support comparison samplers.
static constexpr bool hasShaderFloat16Support = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports 16-bit floating-point types in shaders for arithmetic operations.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnEveryStage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports UAV access in every shader stage, without this cap UAV is only available in pixel and compute shaders.
static constexpr bool hasRayAccelerationStructure = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports acceleration structures for ray tracing / ray queries, will be true if hasRayAccelerationStructure, hasRayQuery and / or hasRayDispatch is supported. The vertex format of VSDT_FLOAT3 is guaranteed, for additional formats d3d::raytrace::check_vertex_format_support_for_acceleration_structure_build needs to be used to check for support.
static constexpr bool hasRayQuery = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray queries (“inline ray tracing”) in any shader stage.
static constexpr bool hasRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray dispatch with its own ray tracing shader stage.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect dispatch for dispatch rays.
static constexpr bool hasGeometryIndexInRayAccelerationStructure = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports geometry index information in acceleration structures in ray tracing / ray query shaders.
static constexpr bool hasSkipPrimitiveTypeInRayTracingShaders = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports masking flags in shaders to ignore triangle or procedural geometry during traversal.
static constexpr bool hasBaseVertexSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver is false when HW does not support draw cals with non-zero baseVertex.
static constexpr bool castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported supports casting (aliasing) fully typed formats between each other (same as op3.CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported in DX12)
static constexpr bool hasNativeRayTracePipelineExpansion = false
Constant false.
See also
static constexpr bool hasWaveOps = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports wave ops.
static constexpr bool hasPersistentShaderHandles = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver hasPersistentShaderHandles indicates that shader handles of pipeline objects, that are used for shader binding tables, are persistent and are the same for derived pipelines and pipelines that use the same shader from the same shader library.
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
struct DeviceDriverCapabilitiesPS5 : public DeviceDriverCapabilitiesPS4
Optimized capabilities structure, hiding bitfield entries with static const values of known platform features for PlayStation 5.
Uses PlayStation 4 optimized values and overrides only differences.
See also
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasStereoExpansion = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports stereo render expansion.
static constexpr bool hasRayAccelerationStructure = true
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports acceleration structures for ray tracing / ray queries, will be true if hasRayAccelerationStructure, hasRayQuery and / or hasRayDispatch is supported. The vertex format of VSDT_FLOAT3 is guaranteed, for additional formats d3d::raytrace::check_vertex_format_support_for_acceleration_structure_build needs to be used to check for support.
static constexpr bool hasRayQuery = true
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray queries (“inline ray tracing”) in any shader stage.
static constexpr bool hasRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray dispatch with its own ray tracing shader stage.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect dispatch for dispatch rays.
static constexpr bool hasGeometryIndexInRayAccelerationStructure = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports geometry index information in acceleration structures in ray tracing / ray query shaders.
static constexpr bool hasSkipPrimitiveTypeInRayTracingShaders = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports masking flags in shaders to ignore triangle or procedural geometry during traversal.
static constexpr bool hasStereoExpansion = true
struct DeviceDriverCapabilitiesIOS : public DeviceDriverCapabilitiesBase
Optimized capabilities structure, hiding bitfield entries with static const values of known platform features for iOS.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports anisotropic filtering of textures.
static constexpr bool hasDepthReadOnly = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports constant depth stencil targets that allow simultaneous sampling as a shader resource.
static constexpr bool hasStructuredBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports structured buffer types.
static constexpr bool hasNoOverwriteOnShaderResourceBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports locking of structured buffers with the no-overwrite method.
static constexpr bool hasForcedSamplerCount = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multi-sample count during raster phase.
static constexpr bool hasVolMipMap = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports mipmaps for vol (eg 3D) textures.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCompute = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports GpuPipeline::ASYNC_COMPUTE as selected pipeline when applicable.
static constexpr bool hasOcclusionQuery = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports occlusion queries.
static constexpr bool hasConstBufferOffset = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports values other than 0 for
of d3d::set_const_buffer.Remark
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasDepthBoundsTest = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports depth bounds testing. See d3d::set_depth_bounds for details of depth bounds testing.
static constexpr bool hasConditionalRender = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports conditional rendering.
static constexpr bool hasResourceCopyConversion = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports copy of textures of different but compatible formats.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports asynchronously issued copy operations.
static constexpr bool hasReadMultisampledDepth = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports reading from multi-sampled depth stencil targets.
static constexpr bool hasInstanceID = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports instance id system variable in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasConservativeRassterization = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports conservative rastering.
static constexpr bool hasQuadTessellation = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports quad tessellation.
static constexpr bool hasGather4 = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports gather intrinsic in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasAlphaCoverage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the alpha to coverage raster feature.
static constexpr bool hasWellSupportedIndirect = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect drawing.
static constexpr bool hasBindless = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the bindless API and resource access in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasNVApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the Nvidia driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasATIApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the AMD / ATI driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShading = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic per draw shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingTexture = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shading rate textures as a source of shading rate information.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingShaderOutput = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shader generated shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingCombiners = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports combiners for variable rate shading to select the final shading rate.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingBy4 = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports variable rate shading blocks with sizes of 4 in X and Y direction.
static constexpr bool hasAliasedTextures = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports creation of aliased textures.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasResourceHeaps = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the resource heap API.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports overlapping buffer copies.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapRegionsCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver uses region based copies when overlapping copies are executed.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnlyForcedSampleCount = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multisample count without render targets and only outputting to UAVs.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasShader64BitIntegerResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports 64 bit integers shader resource types.
static constexpr bool hasNativeRenderPassSubPasses = true
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver is not emulating render sup-passes.
static constexpr bool hasTiled2DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 2D textures.
static constexpr bool hasTiled3DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 3D textures;.
static constexpr bool hasTiledSafeResourcesAccess = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports safe read and write access for not mapped tiles of tiled resources. Such reads return 0 and writes are ignored.
static constexpr bool hasTiledMemoryAliasing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports memory aliasing of multiple tiles.
static constexpr bool hasDLSS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Nvidia DLSS. DLSS stand for Deep Learning Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasXESS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Intel XESS. XESS stands for Xe Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasDrawID = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports draw id in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasMeshShader = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the mesh shader pipeline.
static constexpr bool hasBasicViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic view instancing.
static constexpr bool hasOptimizedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has some optimizations for view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasAcceleratedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has hardware acceleration to natively support view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasStereoExpansion = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports stereo render expansion.
static constexpr bool hasTileBasedArchitecture = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver architecture is known to be a tile renderer.
static constexpr bool hasLazyMemory = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports lazily allocated memory.
static constexpr bool hasShaderFloat16Support = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports 16-bit floating-point types in shaders for arithmetic operations.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnEveryStage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports UAV access in every shader stage, without this cap UAV is only available in pixel and compute shaders.
static constexpr bool hasRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray dispatch with its own ray tracing shader stage.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect dispatch for dispatch rays.
static constexpr bool castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported supports casting (aliasing) fully typed formats between each other (same as op3.CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported in DX12)
static constexpr bool hasWaveOps = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports wave ops.
static constexpr bool hasPersistentShaderHandles = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver hasPersistentShaderHandles indicates that shader handles of pipeline objects, that are used for shader binding tables, are persistent and are the same for derived pipelines and pipelines that use the same shader from the same shader library.
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
struct DeviceDriverCapabilitiesTVOS : public DeviceDriverCapabilitiesBase
Optimized capabilities structure, hiding bitfield entries with static const values of known platform features for tvOS.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports anisotropic filtering of textures.
static constexpr bool hasDepthReadOnly = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports constant depth stencil targets that allow simultaneous sampling as a shader resource.
static constexpr bool hasStructuredBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports structured buffer types.
static constexpr bool hasNoOverwriteOnShaderResourceBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports locking of structured buffers with the no-overwrite method.
static constexpr bool hasForcedSamplerCount = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multi-sample count during raster phase.
static constexpr bool hasVolMipMap = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports mipmaps for vol (eg 3D) textures.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCompute = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports GpuPipeline::ASYNC_COMPUTE as selected pipeline when applicable.
static constexpr bool hasOcclusionQuery = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports occlusion queries.
static constexpr bool hasConstBufferOffset = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports values other than 0 for
of d3d::set_const_buffer.Remark
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasDepthBoundsTest = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports depth bounds testing. See d3d::set_depth_bounds for details of depth bounds testing.
static constexpr bool hasConditionalRender = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports conditional rendering.
static constexpr bool hasResourceCopyConversion = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports copy of textures of different but compatible formats.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports asynchronously issued copy operations.
static constexpr bool hasReadMultisampledDepth = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports reading from multi-sampled depth stencil targets.
static constexpr bool hasInstanceID = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports instance id system variable in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasConservativeRassterization = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports conservative rastering.
static constexpr bool hasQuadTessellation = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports quad tessellation.
static constexpr bool hasGather4 = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports gather intrinsic in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasAlphaCoverage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the alpha to coverage raster feature.
static constexpr bool hasWellSupportedIndirect = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect drawing.
static constexpr bool hasBindless = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the bindless API and resource access in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasNVApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the Nvidia driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasATIApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the AMD / ATI driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShading = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic per draw shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingTexture = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shading rate textures as a source of shading rate information.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingShaderOutput = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shader generated shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingCombiners = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports combiners for variable rate shading to select the final shading rate.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingBy4 = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports variable rate shading blocks with sizes of 4 in X and Y direction.
static constexpr bool hasAliasedTextures = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports creation of aliased textures.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasResourceHeaps = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the resource heap API.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports overlapping buffer copies.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapRegionsCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver uses region based copies when overlapping copies are executed.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnlyForcedSampleCount = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multisample count without render targets and only outputting to UAVs.
static constexpr bool hasShader64BitIntegerResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports 64 bit integers shader resource types.
static constexpr bool hasNativeRenderPassSubPasses = true
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver is not emulating render sup-passes.
static constexpr bool hasTiled2DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 2D textures.
static constexpr bool hasTiled3DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 3D textures;.
static constexpr bool hasTiledSafeResourcesAccess = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports safe read and write access for not mapped tiles of tiled resources. Such reads return 0 and writes are ignored.
static constexpr bool hasTiledMemoryAliasing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports memory aliasing of multiple tiles.
static constexpr bool hasDLSS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Nvidia DLSS. DLSS stand for Deep Learning Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasXESS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Intel XESS. XESS stands for Xe Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasDrawID = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports draw id in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasMeshShader = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the mesh shader pipeline.
static constexpr bool hasBasicViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic view instancing.
static constexpr bool hasOptimizedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has some optimizations for view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasAcceleratedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has hardware acceleration to natively support view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasStereoExpansion = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports stereo render expansion.
static constexpr bool hasTileBasedArchitecture = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver architecture is known to be a tile renderer.
static constexpr bool hasLazyMemory = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports lazily allocated memory.
static constexpr bool hasShaderFloat16Support = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports 16-bit floating-point types in shaders for arithmetic operations.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnEveryStage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports UAV access in every shader stage, without this cap UAV is only available in pixel and compute shaders.
static constexpr bool hasRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray dispatch with its own ray tracing shader stage.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect dispatch for dispatch rays.
static constexpr bool castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported supports casting (aliasing) fully typed formats between each other (same as op3.CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported in DX12)
static constexpr bool hasWaveOps = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports wave ops.
static constexpr bool hasPersistentShaderHandles = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver hasPersistentShaderHandles indicates that shader handles of pipeline objects, that are used for shader binding tables, are persistent and are the same for derived pipelines and pipelines that use the same shader from the same shader library.
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
struct DeviceDriverCapabilitiesNintendoSwitch : public DeviceDriverCapabilitiesBase
Optimized capabilities structure, hiding bitfield entries with static const values of known platform features for Nintendo Switch.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports anisotropic filtering of textures.
static constexpr bool hasDepthReadOnly = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports constant depth stencil targets that allow simultaneous sampling as a shader resource.
static constexpr bool hasStructuredBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports structured buffer types.
static constexpr bool hasNoOverwriteOnShaderResourceBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports locking of structured buffers with the no-overwrite method.
static constexpr bool hasForcedSamplerCount = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multi-sample count during raster phase.
static constexpr bool hasVolMipMap = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports mipmaps for vol (eg 3D) textures.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCompute = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports GpuPipeline::ASYNC_COMPUTE as selected pipeline when applicable.
static constexpr bool hasOcclusionQuery = false
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports occlusion queries.
static constexpr bool hasConstBufferOffset = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports values other than 0 for
of d3d::set_const_buffer.Remark
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasDepthBoundsTest = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports depth bounds testing. See d3d::set_depth_bounds for details of depth bounds testing.
static constexpr bool hasResourceCopyConversion = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports copy of textures of different but compatible formats.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCopy = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports asynchronously issued copy operations.
static constexpr bool hasReadMultisampledDepth = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports reading from multi-sampled depth stencil targets.
static constexpr bool hasInstanceID = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports instance id system variable in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasConservativeRassterization = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports conservative rastering.
static constexpr bool hasQuadTessellation = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports quad tessellation.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasGather4 = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports gather intrinsic in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasAlphaCoverage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the alpha to coverage raster feature.
static constexpr bool hasWellSupportedIndirect = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect drawing.
static constexpr bool hasNVApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the Nvidia driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasATIApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the AMD / ATI driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShading = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic per draw shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingTexture = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shading rate textures as a source of shading rate information.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingShaderOutput = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shader generated shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingCombiners = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports combiners for variable rate shading to select the final shading rate.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingBy4 = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports variable rate shading blocks with sizes of 4 in X and Y direction.
static constexpr bool hasAliasedTextures = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports creation of aliased textures.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasResourceHeaps = true
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the resource heap API.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports overlapping buffer copies.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapRegionsCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver uses region based copies when overlapping copies are executed.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnlyForcedSampleCount = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multisample count without render targets and only outputting to UAVs.
static constexpr bool hasShader64BitIntegerResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports 64 bit integers shader resource types.
static constexpr bool hasNativeRenderPassSubPasses = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver is not emulating render sup-passes.
static constexpr bool hasTiled2DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 2D textures.
static constexpr bool hasTiled3DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 3D textures;.
static constexpr bool hasTiledSafeResourcesAccess = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports safe read and write access for not mapped tiles of tiled resources. Such reads return 0 and writes are ignored.
static constexpr bool hasTiledMemoryAliasing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports memory aliasing of multiple tiles.
static constexpr bool hasDLSS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Nvidia DLSS. DLSS stand for Deep Learning Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasXESS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Intel XESS. XESS stands for Xe Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasDrawID = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports draw id in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasMeshShader = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the mesh shader pipeline.
static constexpr bool hasBasicViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic view instancing.
static constexpr bool hasOptimizedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has some optimizations for view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasAcceleratedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has hardware acceleration to natively support view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasStereoExpansion = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports stereo render expansion.
static constexpr bool hasTileBasedArchitecture = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver architecture is known to be a tile renderer.
static constexpr bool hasLazyMemory = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports lazily allocated memory.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support indirect calls.
static constexpr bool hasCompareSampler = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support comparison samplers.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnEveryStage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports UAV access in every shader stage, without this cap UAV is only available in pixel and compute shaders.
static constexpr bool hasRayAccelerationStructure = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports acceleration structures for ray tracing / ray queries, will be true if hasRayAccelerationStructure, hasRayQuery and / or hasRayDispatch is supported. The vertex format of VSDT_FLOAT3 is guaranteed, for additional formats d3d::raytrace::check_vertex_format_support_for_acceleration_structure_build needs to be used to check for support.
static constexpr bool hasRayQuery = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray queries (“inline ray tracing”) in any shader stage.
static constexpr bool hasRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray dispatch with its own ray tracing shader stage.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect dispatch for dispatch rays.
static constexpr bool hasGeometryIndexInRayAccelerationStructure = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports geometry index information in acceleration structures in ray tracing / ray query shaders.
static constexpr bool hasSkipPrimitiveTypeInRayTracingShaders = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports masking flags in shaders to ignore triangle or procedural geometry during traversal.
static constexpr bool hasBaseVertexSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver is false when HW does not support draw cals with non-zero baseVertex.
static constexpr bool castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported supports casting (aliasing) fully typed formats between each other (same as op3.CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported in DX12)
static constexpr bool hasNativeRayTracePipelineExpansion = false
Constant false.
See also
static constexpr bool hasPersistentShaderHandles = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver hasPersistentShaderHandles indicates that shader handles of pipeline objects, that are used for shader binding tables, are persistent and are the same for derived pipelines and pipelines that use the same shader from the same shader library.
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
struct DeviceDriverCapabilitiesAndroid : public DeviceDriverCapabilitiesBase
Optimized capabilities structure, hiding bitfield entries with static const values of known platform features for Android.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasDepthReadOnly = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports constant depth stencil targets that allow simultaneous sampling as a shader resource.
static constexpr bool hasStructuredBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports structured buffer types.
static constexpr bool hasNoOverwriteOnShaderResourceBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports locking of structured buffers with the no-overwrite method.
static constexpr bool hasForcedSamplerCount = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multi-sample count during raster phase.
static constexpr bool hasVolMipMap = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports mipmaps for vol (eg 3D) textures.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCompute = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports GpuPipeline::ASYNC_COMPUTE as selected pipeline when applicable.
static constexpr bool hasOcclusionQuery = false
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports occlusion queries.
static constexpr bool hasConstBufferOffset = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports values other than 0 for
of d3d::set_const_buffer.Remark
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCopy = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports asynchronously issued copy operations.
static constexpr bool hasReadMultisampledDepth = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports reading from multi-sampled depth stencil targets.
static constexpr bool hasGather4 = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports gather intrinsic in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasAlphaCoverage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the alpha to coverage raster feature.
static constexpr bool hasNVApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the Nvidia driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasATIApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the AMD / ATI driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShading = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic per draw shading rates.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingTexture = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shading rate textures as a source of shading rate information.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingShaderOutput = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shader generated shading rates.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingCombiners = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports combiners for variable rate shading to select the final shading rate.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingBy4 = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports variable rate shading blocks with sizes of 4 in X and Y direction.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasAliasedTextures = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports creation of aliased textures.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports overlapping buffer copies.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapRegionsCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver uses region based copies when overlapping copies are executed.
static constexpr bool hasResourceCopyConversion = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports copy of textures of different but compatible formats.
static constexpr bool hasShader64BitIntegerResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports 64 bit integers shader resource types.
static constexpr bool hasNativeRenderPassSubPasses = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver is not emulating render sup-passes.
static constexpr bool hasTiled2DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 2D textures.
static constexpr bool hasTiled3DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 3D textures;.
static constexpr bool hasTiledSafeResourcesAccess = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports safe read and write access for not mapped tiles of tiled resources. Such reads return 0 and writes are ignored.
static constexpr bool hasTiledMemoryAliasing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports memory aliasing of multiple tiles.
static constexpr bool hasDLSS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Nvidia DLSS. DLSS stand for Deep Learning Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasXESS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Intel XESS. XESS stands for Xe Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasDrawID = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports draw id in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasMeshShader = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the mesh shader pipeline.
static constexpr bool hasBasicViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic view instancing.
static constexpr bool hasOptimizedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has some optimizations for view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasAcceleratedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has hardware acceleration to natively support view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasStereoExpansion = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports stereo render expansion.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support indirect calls.
static constexpr bool hasCompareSampler = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support comparison samplers.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnEveryStage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports UAV access in every shader stage, without this cap UAV is only available in pixel and compute shaders.
static constexpr bool hasBaseVertexSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver is false when HW does not support draw cals with non-zero baseVertex.
static constexpr bool castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported supports casting (aliasing) fully typed formats between each other (same as op3.CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported in DX12)
static constexpr bool hasPersistentShaderHandles = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver hasPersistentShaderHandles indicates that shader handles of pipeline objects, that are used for shader binding tables, are persistent and are the same for derived pipelines and pipelines that use the same shader from the same shader library.
static constexpr bool hasDepthReadOnly = true
struct DeviceDriverCapabilitiesMacOSX : public DeviceDriverCapabilitiesBase
Optimized capabilities structure, hiding bitfield entries with static const values of known platform features for macOS.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports anisotropic filtering of textures.
static constexpr bool hasDepthReadOnly = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports constant depth stencil targets that allow simultaneous sampling as a shader resource.
static constexpr bool hasStructuredBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports structured buffer types.
static constexpr bool hasNoOverwriteOnShaderResourceBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports locking of structured buffers with the no-overwrite method.
static constexpr bool hasForcedSamplerCount = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multi-sample count during raster phase.
static constexpr bool hasVolMipMap = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports mipmaps for vol (eg 3D) textures.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCompute = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports GpuPipeline::ASYNC_COMPUTE as selected pipeline when applicable.
static constexpr bool hasOcclusionQuery = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports occlusion queries.
static constexpr bool hasConstBufferOffset = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports values other than 0 for
of d3d::set_const_buffer.Remark
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCopy = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports asynchronously issued copy operations.
static constexpr bool hasDepthBoundsTest = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports depth bounds testing. See d3d::set_depth_bounds for details of depth bounds testing.
static constexpr bool hasReadMultisampledDepth = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports reading from multi-sampled depth stencil targets.
static constexpr bool hasInstanceID = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports instance id system variable in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasConservativeRassterization = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports conservative rastering.
static constexpr bool hasQuadTessellation = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports quad tessellation.
static constexpr bool hasGather4 = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports gather intrinsic in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasAlphaCoverage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the alpha to coverage raster feature.
static constexpr bool hasWellSupportedIndirect = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect drawing.
static constexpr bool hasNVApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the Nvidia driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasATIApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the AMD / ATI driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShading = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic per draw shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingTexture = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shading rate textures as a source of shading rate information.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingShaderOutput = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shader generated shading rates.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingCombiners = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports combiners for variable rate shading to select the final shading rate.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingBy4 = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports variable rate shading blocks with sizes of 4 in X and Y direction.
static constexpr bool hasAliasedTextures = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports creation of aliased textures.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasResourceHeaps = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the resource heap API.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports overlapping buffer copies.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapRegionsCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver uses region based copies when overlapping copies are executed.
static constexpr bool hasConditionalRender = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports conditional rendering.
static constexpr bool hasResourceCopyConversion = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports copy of textures of different but compatible formats.
static constexpr bool hasShader64BitIntegerResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports 64 bit integers shader resource types.
static constexpr bool hasNativeRenderPassSubPasses = true
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver is not emulating render sup-passes.
static constexpr bool hasTiled2DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 2D textures.
static constexpr bool hasTiled3DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 3D textures;.
static constexpr bool hasTiledSafeResourcesAccess = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports safe read and write access for not mapped tiles of tiled resources. Such reads return 0 and writes are ignored.
static constexpr bool hasTiledMemoryAliasing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports memory aliasing of multiple tiles.
static constexpr bool hasDLSS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Nvidia DLSS. DLSS stand for Deep Learning Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasXESS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Intel XESS. XESS stands for Xe Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasMeshShader = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the mesh shader pipeline.
static constexpr bool hasBasicViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic view instancing.
static constexpr bool hasOptimizedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has some optimizations for view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasAcceleratedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has hardware acceleration to natively support view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasStereoExpansion = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports stereo render expansion.
static constexpr bool hasTileBasedArchitecture = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver architecture is known to be a tile renderer.
static constexpr bool hasLazyMemory = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports lazily allocated memory.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support indirect calls.
static constexpr bool hasCompareSampler = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support comparison samplers.
static constexpr bool hasShaderFloat16Support = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports 16-bit floating-point types in shaders for arithmetic operations.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnEveryStage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports UAV access in every shader stage, without this cap UAV is only available in pixel and compute shaders.
static constexpr bool hasRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports ray dispatch with its own ray tracing shader stage.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectRayDispatch = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports indirect dispatch for dispatch rays.
static constexpr bool castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported supports casting (aliasing) fully typed formats between each other (same as op3.CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported in DX12)
static constexpr bool hasWaveOps = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports wave ops.
static constexpr bool hasPersistentShaderHandles = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver hasPersistentShaderHandles indicates that shader handles of pipeline objects, that are used for shader binding tables, are persistent and are the same for derived pipelines and pipelines that use the same shader from the same shader library.
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
struct DeviceDriverCapabilitiesLinux : public DeviceDriverCapabilitiesBase
Optimized capabilities structure, hiding bitfield entries with static const values of known platform features for Linux.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports anisotropic filtering of textures.
static constexpr bool hasDepthReadOnly = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports constant depth stencil targets that allow simultaneous sampling as a shader resource.
static constexpr bool hasStructuredBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports structured buffer types.
static constexpr bool hasNoOverwriteOnShaderResourceBuffers = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports locking of structured buffers with the no-overwrite method.
static constexpr bool hasForcedSamplerCount = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports forced multi-sample count during raster phase.
static constexpr bool hasVolMipMap = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports mipmaps for vol (eg 3D) textures.
static constexpr bool hasReadMultisampledDepth = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports reading from multi-sampled depth stencil targets.
static constexpr bool hasGather4 = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports gather intrinsic in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasAlphaCoverage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the alpha to coverage raster feature.
static constexpr bool hasShader64BitIntegerResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports 64 bit integers shader resource types.
static constexpr bool hasNativeRenderPassSubPasses = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver is not emulating render sup-passes.
static constexpr bool hasTiled2DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 2D textures.
static constexpr bool hasTiled3DResources = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports tiled 3D textures;.
static constexpr bool hasTiledSafeResourcesAccess = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports safe read and write access for not mapped tiles of tiled resources. Such reads return 0 and writes are ignored.
static constexpr bool hasTiledMemoryAliasing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports memory aliasing of multiple tiles.
static constexpr bool hasDLSS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Nvidia DLSS. DLSS stand for Deep Learning Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasXESS = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports Intel XESS. XESS stands for Xe Super Sampling.
static constexpr bool hasDrawID = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports draw id in shaders.
static constexpr bool hasMeshShader = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports the mesh shader pipeline.
static constexpr bool hasBasicViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic view instancing.
static constexpr bool hasOptimizedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has some optimizations for view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasAcceleratedViewInstancing = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has hardware acceleration to natively support view instanced rendering.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCompute = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports GpuPipeline::ASYNC_COMPUTE as selected pipeline when applicable.
static constexpr bool hasOcclusionQuery = false
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports occlusion queries.
static constexpr bool hasNVApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the Nvidia driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasATIApi = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver has detected that the AMD / ATI driver API is available for the render device.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShading = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports basic per draw shading rates.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingTexture = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shading rate textures as a source of shading rate information.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingShaderOutput = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports shader generated shading rates.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingCombiners = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports combiners for variable rate shading to select the final shading rate.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasVariableRateShadingBy4 = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports variable rate shading blocks with sizes of 4 in X and Y direction.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasAliasedTextures = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports creation of aliased textures.
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports overlapping buffer copies.
static constexpr bool hasBufferOverlapRegionsCopy = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver uses region based copies when overlapping copies are executed.
static constexpr bool hasConstBufferOffset = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports values other than 0 for
of d3d::set_const_buffer.Remark
This feature can be supported, but is not yet implemented.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCopy = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports asynchronously issued copy operations.
static constexpr bool hasResourceCopyConversion = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports copy of textures of different but compatible formats.
static constexpr bool hasStereoExpansion = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports stereo render expansion.
static constexpr bool hasLazyMemory = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports lazily allocated memory.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support indirect calls.
static constexpr bool hasCompareSampler = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support comparison samplers.
static constexpr bool hasUAVOnEveryStage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports UAV access in every shader stage, without this cap UAV is only available in pixel and compute shaders.
static constexpr bool hasBaseVertexSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver is false when HW does not support draw cals with non-zero baseVertex.
static constexpr bool castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver castingFullyTypedFormatsSupported supports casting (aliasing) fully typed formats between each other (same as op3.CastingFullyTypedFormatSupported in DX12)
static constexpr bool hasPersistentShaderHandles = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver hasPersistentShaderHandles indicates that shader handles of pipeline objects, that are used for shader binding tables, are persistent and are the same for derived pipelines and pipelines that use the same shader from the same shader library.
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
struct DeviceDriverCapabilitiesWindows : public DeviceDriverCapabilitiesBase
Optimized capabilities structure, hiding bitfield entries with static const values of known platform features for Windows.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports anisotropic filtering of textures.
static constexpr bool hasAlphaCoverage = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports the alpha to coverage raster feature.
static constexpr bool hasAsyncCopy = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver supports asynchronously issued copy operations.
static constexpr bool hasStereoExpansion = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports stereo render expansion.
static constexpr bool hasLazyMemory = false
Constant false.
Indicates that the device driver supports lazily allocated memory.
static constexpr bool hasIndirectSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support indirect calls.
static constexpr bool hasCompareSampler = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver set when hw doesn’t support comparison samplers.
static constexpr bool hasBaseVertexSupport = true
Constant true.
Indicates that the device driver is false when HW does not support draw cals with non-zero baseVertex.
static constexpr bool hasAnisotropicFilter = true
struct DeviceDriverIssuesBase
A boolean bitfield that describes which known issues the used device / driver combination has.
Subclassed by DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid, DeviceDriverIssuesWindows
Public Members
bool hasComputeTimeLimited
Some devices have issues with long running compute stages and may cause a TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery) to reset the device.
Known on the following devices:
Qualcomm Adreno
ARM Mali
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasComputeCanNotWrite3DTex
Some device have issues with writing to 3D textures in the compute stage.
Known on the following devices:
Qualcomm Adreno
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasStrictRenderPassesOnly
Some device drivers have issues with unused render pass attachments and my crash during pipeline creation.
Known on the following devices:
Qualcomm Adreno
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasSmallSampledBuffers
Some device driver have a very limited size for sampled buffers. This indicates that device driver only works reliably with buffers not exceeding the 64KiByte size limit.
Some mobile device are actually limited and also fall in this category, even when this is expected behavior. Known to be a bug on the following devices, as they report larger supported sizes, but fail to work with those limits:
Qualcomm Adreno
ARM Mali
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasRenderPassClearDataRace
Some devices have issues in render passes properly scheduling clears before render, which may result in random flickering.
Known on the following devices:
Qualcomm Adreno with certain driver versions
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasBrokenBaseInstanceID
Some device drivers have broken base instance ids in shaders.
Known on the following devices:
ARM Mali with certain driver versions
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasMultisampledAndInstancingHang
Some device drivers may hang during instanced rendering with multisampled rastering.
Known for certain device driver combinations.
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasIgnoreDeviceLost
Some device drivers spam device lost error codes while the device still remains functional normally.
Known for certain device driver combinations.
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasPollDeviceFences
Some device drivers may randomly fail with a device reset on fence waits, the driver falls back to polling the state of fences instead.
Known for certain device driver combinations.
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasBrokenShadersAfterAppSwitch
Some device drivers may not render some long shaders after switching from the application and back.
Known for certain device driver combinations.
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasBrokenSRGBConverionWithMRT
Some device drivers have issues with sRGB conversion for render targets in the MRT setup.
Known for certain device driver combinations.
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasBrokenComputeFormattedOutput
Some device drivers have issues with format conversion while outputting to image with format other than fp32.
Known for certain device driver combinations.
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasClearColorBug
AMD Radeon hangs with DEVICE_LOST on clearview of R8G8 target with a color other than the basic B/W combinations
Known for certain device driver combinations.
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Android. DeviceDriverIssuesNoIssues::hasClearColorBug
Runtime defined on Windows. DeviceDriverIssuesWindows
bool hasBrokenMTRecreateImage
Image creation during texture reload seems to crash on some devies. Reports exist for Mali G710 and G610.
Known for certain device driver combinations.
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasBrokenSubpasses
Some device drivers have some issues with subpasses.
Known on the following devices:
Qualcomm Adreno with certain driver versions
Runtime defined on Android. DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid
bool hasComputeTimeLimited
struct DeviceDriverIssuesAndroid : public DeviceDriverIssuesBase
Issues structure specific for Android.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasClearColorBug = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Android.
static constexpr bool hasClearColorBug = false
struct DeviceDriverIssuesWindows : public DeviceDriverIssuesBase
Issues structure specific for Windows.
Subclassed by DeviceDriverIssuesNoIssues
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasComputeTimeLimited = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasComputeCanNotWrite3DTex = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasStrictRenderPassesOnly = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasSmallSampledBuffers = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasRenderPassClearDataRace = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasBrokenBaseInstanceID = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasMultisampledAndInstancingHang = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasIgnoreDeviceLost = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasPollDeviceFences = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasBrokenShadersAfterAppSwitch = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasBrokenSRGBConverionWithMRT = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasBrokenComputeFormattedOutput = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasBrokenMTRecreateImage = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasBrokenSubpasses = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Windows.
static constexpr bool hasComputeTimeLimited = false
struct DeviceDriverIssuesNoIssues : public DeviceDriverIssuesWindows
Optimized issues structure for all platforms that are known to suffer from none of those.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr bool hasClearColorBug = false
Is constant true on Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, iOS, tvOS, Nintendo Switch, macOS, Linux and Android.
static constexpr bool hasClearColorBug = false
struct DeviceDriverRaytraceProperties
Holds the device and driver specific ray tracing related properties. NOTE some platforms may override these with fixed values.
Public Members
unsigned topAccelerationStructureInstanceElementSize = 0
unsigned accelerationStructureBuildScratchBufferOffsetAlignment = 0
Offsets for scratch buffers for acceleration structures builds have to be aligned to this value.
unsigned maxRecursionDepth = 0
Describes how many “recursions” ray dispatching supports. This describes how many rays can be cast without returning. A value of 1 would mean that only the ray gen shader can shoot the initial ray and no other shader invoked by the rays miss or hit shader. A value of 2 means that the ray gen shader shoots the first ray and the invoked hit or miss shader may also shoot one ray.
unsigned topAccelerationStructureInstanceElementSize = 0
struct Driver3dDesc
Public Members
int zcmpfunc
int acmpfunc
int sblend
int dblend
int mintexw
int mintexh
int maxtexw
int maxtexh
int mincubesize
int maxcubesize
int minvolsize
int maxvolsize
int maxtexaspect
1 means texture should be square, 0 means no limit
int maxtexcoord
int maxsimtex
int maxvertexsamplers
int maxclipplanes
int maxstreams
int maxstreamstr
int maxvpconsts
int maxprims
int maxvertind
float upixofs
pixel-size UV offsets that align texture pixels to frame buffer pixels; usually .5 for DX, and 0 for OGL
float vpixofs
int maxSimRT
Maximum number of simultaneous render targets, will be at least 1.
bool is20ArbitrarySwizzleAvailable
int minWarpSize
int maxWarpSize
unsigned variableRateTextureTileSizeX
unsigned variableRateTextureTileSizeY
unsigned depthResolveModes = DepthResolveMode::DEPTH_RESOLVE_MODE_NONE
DeviceDriverIssues issues
DeviceDriverShaderModelVersion shaderModel
DeviceDriverRaytraceProperties raytrace
int zcmpfunc
VSD_REG(n, t)
enumerator PRIM_LINELIST
enumerator PRIM_TRILIST
enumerator PRIM_TRISTRIP
enumerator PRIM_TRIFAN
enumerator PRIM_COUNT
enumerator TM_WORLD
enumerator TM_VIEW
enumerator TM_PROJ
enumerator TM_LOCAL2VIEW
enumerator TM_VIEW2LOCAL
enumerator TM_GLOBAL
enumerator TM__NUM
enumerator TM_WORLD
enumerator CLEAR_TARGET
enumerator CLEAR_ZBUFFER
enumerator CLEAR_STENCIL
enumerator CLEAR_DISCARD
enumerator CLEAR_TARGET
enumerator BLEND_ZERO
enumerator BLEND_ONE
enumerator BLEND_ZERO
enumerator BLENDOP_ADD
enumerator BLENDOP_MIN
enumerator BLENDOP_MAX
enumerator BLENDOP_ADD
enum CMPF
enumerator CMPF_NEVER
enumerator CMPF_LESS
enumerator CMPF_EQUAL
enumerator CMPF_GREATER
enumerator CMPF_NOTEQUAL
enumerator CMPF_ALWAYS
enumerator CMPF_NEVER
enumerator STNCLOP_KEEP
enumerator STNCLOP_ZERO
enumerator STNCLOP_INCR
enumerator STNCLOP_DECR
enumerator STNCLOP_KEEP
static constexpr int MAX_SURVEY_INDEX = 0