Render State

namespace shaders


using DriverRenderStateId = GenerationRefId<8, DriverRenderStateIdDummy>


enum class RenderStateId : uint32_t


enumerator Invalid
class DriverRenderStateIdDummy
namespace shaders
struct RenderState : public shaders::RenderStateBits

Extended render state with blending params.

Public Functions

inline RenderState()
inline bool operator==(const RenderState &s) const
inline bool operator!=(const RenderState &s) const

Public Members

BlendParams blendParams[NumIndependentBlendParameters]

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr uint32_t NumIndependentBlendParameters = 4
struct BlendFactors

Description of blending factors.

Public Members

uint8_t src

Configures source alpha BLEND_FACTOR.

uint8_t dst

Configures destination alpha BLEND_FACTOR.

struct BlendParams

Description of blending parameters.

Public Members

BlendFactors ablendFactors

Configures alpha blend factor.

BlendFactors sepablendFactors

Configures separate alpha blend factor.

uint8_t blendOp

Specifies BLENDOP operation for alpha blending.

uint8_t sepablendOp

Specifies BLENDOP operation for separate alpha blending.

uint8_t ablend

Enables alpha blending.

uint8_t sepablend

Enables separate alpha blending.

struct RenderStateBits

Description of render state.

Subclassed by shaders::RenderState

Public Members

uint32_t zwrite

Enable depth write.

uint32_t ztest

Enable depth test.

uint32_t zFunc

Relationship operation CMPF used for depth test (less, greater, equal and etc.).

uint32_t stencilRef

Reference value to perform against when doing a stencil test.

uint32_t cull

Specifies triangle face culling CULL_TYPE.

uint32_t depthBoundsEnable

Enable depth-bounds testing. Samples outside the range are discarded.

uint32_t forcedSampleCount

The sample count that is forced while UAV rendering or rasterizing.


Requires caps.hasForcedSamplerCount (DX 11.1).


Depth test must be disabled.

uint32_t conservativeRaster

Identifies whether conservative rasterization is on or off.


Requires caps.hasConservativeRassterization (DX 11.3).


Only triangle topology is allowed (DX 12).

uint32_t zClip

Enable depth clipping based on distance.

uint32_t scissorEnabled

Enable scissor-rectangle culling. All pixels outside an active scissor rectangle are culled.

uint32_t independentBlendEnabled

Enable independent blending in simultaneous render targets.

uint32_t alphaToCoverage

Specifies whether to use alpha-to-coverage.

uint32_t viewInstanceCount

Specifies the number of used views.

uint32_t colorWr = 0xFFFFFFFF

Specifies mask which is used for color write.

float zBias = 0

Specifies depth value added to a given pixel.

float slopeZBias = 0

Specifies scalar on a given pixel’s slope.

StencilState stencil

Specifies stencil state.

namespace d3d


bool set_blend_factor(E3DCOLOR color)

Set the blend factor object.


color – blend factor to set


true if successful, false otherwise

bool setstencil(uint32_t ref)

Set the stencil reference value.


ref – reference value to set


true if successful, false otherwise

bool setwire(bool in)

Set the wireframe mode. Works only in dev build.


in – true to enable wireframe mode, false to disable


true if successful, false otherwise

bool set_depth_bounds(float zmin, float zmax)

Set the depth bounds.

  • zmin – minimum depth value

  • zmax – maximum depth value


true if successful, false otherwise

shaders::DriverRenderStateId create_render_state(const shaders::RenderState &state)

Create a render state object in driver.


state – parameters of the render state object to create


shaders::DriverRenderStateId id of the created render state object

bool set_render_state(shaders::DriverRenderStateId state_id)

Set the render state object in driver.


state_id – id of the render state object to set


true if successful, false otherwise

void clear_render_states()

Remove all render state objects allocated in driver.