Shader: rendinst_simple_emissive_anim / dynamic_illum_anim


This shader enables toggling, adjusting emission strength, and controlling emission color.



  • class:t="rendinst_simple_emissive_anim"

  • script:t="illum_scroll_speed=0.1" – Controls the scroll speed of the “scan” effect across the emission texture program. Reversing the sign of this variable changes the scanning direction.

  • script:t="use_additive_blend=1" – Sets the blending mode: 0 for multiplicative emission on the albedo, 1 for additive blending.

  • tex0:t="diffuse_map_tex_d.tif" – The alpha channel defines the emission intensity.

  • tex2:t="normal_map_tex_n.tif" – Normal map.

  • tex3:t="program_map_program.tif" – The emission texture program. The minimum texture size is 4x4.

  • tex4:t="shift_map_shift.tif" – Emission shift texture.


  • script:t="illum_scroll_speed=0.1" – Controls the scroll speed of the “scan” effect across the emission texture program. Reversing the sign of this variable changes the scanning direction.

  • script:t="use_additive_blend=1" – Sets the blending mode: 0 for multiplicative emission on the albedo, 1 for additive blending.

  • tex0:t="diffuse_map_tex_d.tif" – The alpha channel defines the emission intensity.

  • tex2:t="program_map_program.tif" – Emission texture program. The minimum texture size is 4x4.

  • tex3:t="shift_map_shift.tif" – Emission shift texture.

The shader operates in two modes: multiplicative and additive. The emission program texture modifies two channels in the G-buffer: albedo and emission. In this context, the emission channel is 8-bit (grayscale).

This means that there are three options for achieving colored emission. Choose the one that best suits your case:

  • In multiplicative mode, use a colored albedo and a grayscale program texture to avoid overshadowing the albedo.

  • In multiplicative mode, use a colored program texture. This will modify the base albedo map, subtracting from it.

  • Multiplicative mode is the default.


For animating the turning on and off of lights, you’ll need a .dag file for the lights and two textures:

  • tex0:t="emis_anim_shader_tex_d.tif" – The diffuse texture defines the lamp’s color.

  • tex3:t="emis_anim_shader_program.tif" – The program texture defines when the lamp emits light (independent of UV mapping).



Defines the lamp’s color and emission level:

  • RGB channels: Albedo (color of the emission if no other color is defined in the program texture (tex3:t="emis_anim_shader_program.tif")).

  • A channel: Emission intensity, where white is the maximum emission and black means no emission.


The emission program texture defines:

  1. Emission timing (emitting light in white areas, no emission in black areas).

  2. Emission color (the color emitted can be defined here).

  3. Emission intensity (non-white colors will reduce emission intensity).

  • RGB channels: If not black, the defined color will be emitted.

  • A channel: Not used.

Using these two textures, simple emission animations can be created. Separate mapping for each lamp is not required.

Example: The lamp’s color is defined in the program texture (tex0:t="emis_anim_shader_program.tif), and to prevent color conflicts between the diffuse and program textures, the lamps in the diffuse texture are painted white.

../../../_images/rendinst_simple_emissive_anim_02.gif ../../../_images/rendinst_simple_emissive_anim_03.gif


  • R channel: Controls horizontal displacement on the program texture:

    • White: No displacement.

    • Black: Maximum displacement.

  • G channel: Controls vertical displacement on the program texture:

    • White: No displacement.

    • Black: Maximum displacement.

  • B channel: Controls the speed:

    • White: Speed increases (visually by about 2x).

    • Black: Speed is controlled by the script:t="illum_scroll_speed=0.1" parameter.


For complex animations, use tex4:t="emis_anim_shader_shift.tif".

Example: In the example below, only the R channel is used to control the shift on the program. The green and white lamps, marked by arrows in the shift texture (tex4:t="emis_anim_shader_shift.tif), are painted according to the UV shell of the lamps. This causes visible artifacts at the seams. It is better to paint the area as with the red/blue lamps.

Example: For scrolling text, you’ll need a .dag file for the banner and three textures.




../../../_images/rendinst_simple_emissive_anim_06.jpg ../../../_images/rendinst_simple_emissive_anim_07.jpg ../../../_images/rendinst_simple_emissive_anim_08.jpg

For the scrolling text effect, both the gradient (which should be linear) and the gamma value (gamma:r=1) of the textures are critical.


Failing to meet these conditions will result in poor animation quality. For example, using a Photoshop gradient with a gamma of 2.2 will produce subpar results: