Shader: rendinst_tree_perlin_layered


The rendinst_tree_perlin_layered shader is designed for advanced rendering of trees, using tessellation to enhance visual fidelity. This shader supports both displacement and smoothing modes, allowing for detailed control over tree geometry. Tessellation can be dynamically enabled or disabled at runtime, making it adaptable for various performance settings.

Tessellation Overview

Tessellation in this shader can be toggled at runtime via a shader variable. By setting pn_triangulation to 1 in the console, all trees configured for tessellation, as well as rendinst_clipmap objects with default settings, will be tessellated. In the future, this feature will be incorporated into the graphics settings.

Enabling Tessellation in an Asset

  1. Default Setting: Tessellation is disabled by default. To enable it, set material_pn_triangulation to 1 or 2.

  2. Common Parameter:

    • max_tessellation_factor: Controls the tessellation factor, which varies with distance. This parameter sets the maximum factor when the camera is close to the object.

  3. Tessellation Modes:

    • Mode 2: Smoothing only. This mode does not have any additional configurable parameters.

    • Mode 1: Displacement mode. In this mode, the shader reads the displacement strength from the alpha component of the three diffuse textures. These textures are blended according to pixel shader blending rules.

    Displacement Mode Parameters:

    • rendinst_displacement_min: Defines the displacement when the diffuse texture’s alpha is 0. The .xyz components correspond to the three diffuse textures, while .w is unused.

    • rendinst_displacement_max: Defines the displacement when the diffuse texture’s alpha is 1. The .xyz components correspond to the three diffuse textures, while .w is unused.

    • rendinst_displacement_lod: Specifies the mip level used for sampling the diffuse textures during displacement. Lower values result in more noise, while higher values produce smoother displacement. The .xyz components correspond to the three diffuse textures, and .w is unused.

    • rendinst_displacement_mod: If is_pivoted is set to 1, this shader variable allows multipliers to be specified based on the vertex hierarchy. The .x component is the multiplier for the trunk, while .yzw components apply to the branches in hierarchical order.

Additional Notes

  • Tessellation Factor Limit: The maximum tessellation factor is 12 due to API limitations. Setting max_tessellation_factor higher will simply reach this maximum at a greater distance. However, it is generally unnecessary to set it too high, as tree triangles are typically small.

  • rendinst_displacement_lod Setting: This should be adjusted so that the texels sampled at the selected mip level correspond to a single triangle after tessellation, in terms of world size. Precise calculations aren’t required – adjust until the visual result is satisfactory.

  • daEditor Configuration: When using daEditor, ensure that the PN triangulation checkbox is selected to view the tessellation results immediately.